Help: Newbie -- Const. of tables for analysis of survey result


Naresh Kumar Saini

I tried some basic features of Access and now wish to do some serious work
in Access. I need to analyze about 300 filled-in questionnaires each from 10
cities of a consumer satisfaction survey.

The questionnaires are in two parts: Respondent's profile (sex, age group,
educational group, possession of consumer durables, etc) and main questions
(about 15).

The analysis is needed across different variables of respondent's profile
(e.g. how many female, who are post-graduate and having TV were 'highly
satisfied' with the product). Most of the responses are coaded (1-Male;
2-Female; etc) besides 2-3 open ended responses.

(1) How should I construct my tables? Shold it be a single table with
responses filled in using Lookup Wizard and supplying all possible answeres.
Or should I use different table each for sex, education, etc and establish a
relationship? The former I can do, but if later is a better choice, I need
some hint how to do it.

(2) I wish to be able to do the data entry work using codes (1-Male;
2-Female; etc) but be able to use the actual response to be filled in tables
in either of the above case. How to achieve it?

Thanks. If I can go that far, I think I can do the rest with some trial and

(e-mail address removed)

PS: New to this newsgroup, sorry if question is already answered or too



To keep it simple and so that you can learn access better
I would do it this way....
Dump everthing in one large table.
The by using apend queries on the main table and grouping
so that you have unique answers,create tables which will
populate other tables for refencing. e.g sex, category
Open up your relationships and link these tables to your
main table.
When you are using forms and queries, you can use thes
smaller tables for selection purposes etc as it will allow
consistancy of data entry and will allow you to see if you
have any spelling errors in your main data e.g femal,
Any probs, email me offline.

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