help needed w 'hidden' firewall


Uncle Vinnie

Hi.. using XP Home...

I have been trying unsuccessfully to find what is loading up during XP
Startup that is blocking any access to my pc.

A tech guy continually pinged from a remote computer - mine was seen just
about until the sign on screen.. then no reply...

All the obvious is set - networking, filesharing, firewall, etc...

It has an IP address, etc.. I am going mad trying to find what may be
loading - services, etc, that kicks in...

Where/what else should I be looking for??

Thank you!!!

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"Uncle Vinnie" said:
Hi.. using XP Home...

I have been trying unsuccessfully to find what is loading up during XP
Startup that is blocking any access to my pc.

A tech guy continually pinged from a remote computer - mine was seen just
about until the sign on screen.. then no reply...

All the obvious is set - networking, filesharing, firewall, etc...

It has an IP address, etc.. I am going mad trying to find what may be
loading - services, etc, that kicks in...

Where/what else should I be looking for??

Thank you!!!

Check your antivirus program. Some recent ones (Norton, PC-cillin)
have built-in firewall functions.

The problem could be caused by a firewall program. To see, un-install
(don't just disable) the firewall. Disconnect from the Internet while
the firewall is un-installed.

Start the computer in Safe Mode with Networking and see if it can be
pinged after startup. If it can, something that only runs in normal
mode is causing the problem. You can use Msconfig to disable specific
startup programs and see what happens.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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