Help needed on Windows Update



I have downloaded and installed Critical update KB828741
app 20 times but it still shows up next time I go on line
as needing to be installed. I have used the method
described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 319109
(deleting it from regedit then downloading again), but to
no avail. Obvioulsy also every time I go on line,
automatic up[date starts downloading it again. Has anyone
any ideas how I can resolve this please??


First do a complete scan for a viruses with an updated, respected anti-virus product. If necessary you can go to the TrendMicro web site for a free online scan. If you haven't, download or buy an anti-spyware product.

If this doesn't resolve your problem, then the most likely hypothesis is that your Catroot2 Folder is corrupted, and you should replace it. There's a somewhat lengthy procedure to do this which I can't recite, but you should be able to find it online.


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