
I just recently downloaded a new Anti Virus Scanner
called RAV and it worked great it detected what Solo
couldn't but it dectected a virus or a suspiscious file
in my C:\Windows\Fonts (csrss.exe) I kept on scanning it
and when it detected it tried to delete, clean it but it
said invalid. I went into VGA mode and deleted it
succesfully but now when I try to open some programs it
reads ERROR '(null)' can not be found. I know I can
restore my computer to a earlyer state but the Csrss.exe
file will come back with it. What should I do??? Thanks a



The csrss.exe is a necessary Windows XP. What has likely
happened is that the virus you were infected with
attached itself to that file or replaced the file with a
virus file. Go ahead and let your antivirus program
quarantine the file. Then ou can try to see if the
Windows File Checker will restore a good copy of the
file. To do so, go to Start, Run, and type
in "sfc /scannow" and hit OK.

If the Windows File Checker does not restore that file,
the you can perform a repair installation of Windows XP.
To do so, follow the instructions at;en-
us;315341&Product=winxp - Don't worry, the repair
installation process will not replace your programs or
files. On the other hand doing a new installation of
Windows will. Also, using your restore point to a
previous date will not replace the file.

You should understand that antivirus programs only detect
and quarantine or delete viruses. For the most part,
they do not repair the damage done by a virus. You
should look up the technical details on your specific
virus to determine what damage the virus did and you will
then know if there are other files or registry entries
that you need to worry about. When looking up
information on your virus, you need to look up info on
the exact variant or name of your virus. For example,
there are several variants of the Sasser virus and if you
follow the information on the wrong one, you will likely
not make the right repair.

Good Luck



Its me again. I have tried restoring but I can not get
into any of my files. It won't let me get into Dell
Support or anything but the internet and my music. All
messages reads "can not find please make sure you have
typed in the name correctly and try again." I tried
putting in my Windows XP c.d to try and reboot missing
files or the csrss.exe but it will not work properly
either? I tried going through safe mode and still
nothing. Is there anyway I can save my music and
important files? While F disking and rebooting XP all
together or should I try and fix it now with this XP
windows? THanks!!:)


Sorry if this sounds like an echo but I am new to the
news group and don't know for sure how to use it
correctly but my computer is usless. Everything from Dell
Support to my Control Panel is unusable. The only things
I can get into is the internet, music and some word
files. Can I F Disk with saving my music and important
files some how? There are two many to put on one disk I
have over 8000 songs. Or if not how can I fix this error?
I know I have to get this certain drive back but don't
know how for sure with out the help of Dell support or my
control panel. I even tried to load the XP cd but it did
not work properly either? Thank you once again.

Ronnie :)

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