Help! Missing information!!



Greetings, Excel Community. I hope you can help me with this one.

I was typing some notes in an Excel Spreadsheet, which made for some really
jam-packed cells. However, when I came back to look over it, half my
information was gone, cut short at the 1.5 line mark. Is there anything that
could cause this, and how do I fix it?


Okay, it isn't as bad as I originally thought. It turns out that each cells
seems to have a 255 character limit when it comes to copying data from other
sheets. Is there any way to lift this?


to copy text with more than 255 character press F2 (Edit mode) before press
Ctrl + V.

regards from Brazil
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

"Marissa" escreveu:

Dave Peterson

How are you retrieving that value?

Is the "sending" workbook open or closed?

If you're using a formula to retrieve a value from a closed workbook, then
you'll see that 255 limit. But if you open the "sending" workbook, then
recalculate, you'll see all the text.


Hi Dave, Marcelo,
I have similar problem too.
I have a cell which has characters more than 255. Eventhough the data is
there, Excel does not allow you to view all the data; it cuts the data for
viewing and also when you print that cell.
If I press F2, I can view all the data but the moment I release the F2 key,
it is back to the view where it cuts the data.
What is the solution to be able to view and print the data more than 255
characters in a cell?

Dave Peterson

How does excel "cut the data"?

Do you see ######'s instead of the real value?
If yes, try formatting the cell as General (or anything but Text).

If the characters just seem to drop off after about a 1000, you can add
alt-enters every 80-100 characters to see more.


Hi Dave,
The data is there in the cell and can be viewed completely when you press
F2, however it is not viewable otherwise. If you type in about 500 characters
of "x" in one cell, you would be able to see that in the lower rows, the
sentence tends to be cut off. If you print the page, the cut off data is not
displayed in the print.
Yes- Alt/Enter would work, but it is a pain to enter multiple Alt-Enter in
the later part of the text.
Hope you are able to understand what I am saying.

Dave Peterson

I understand now.

But you're not going to like my answer--you can either live with not seeing
everything or put those alt-enters in the cell.

I don't know of any other choice.
Hi Dave,
The data is there in the cell and can be viewed completely when you press
F2, however it is not viewable otherwise. If you type in about 500 characters
of "x" in one cell, you would be able to see that in the lower rows, the
sentence tends to be cut off. If you print the page, the cut off data is not
displayed in the print.
Yes- Alt/Enter would work, but it is a pain to enter multiple Alt-Enter in
the later part of the text.
Hope you are able to understand what I am saying.


No problem...thanks a lot for your help Dave!

Dave Peterson said:
I understand now.

But you're not going to like my answer--you can either live with not seeing
everything or put those alt-enters in the cell.

I don't know of any other choice.

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