Help me solve this calculation



Fields D17, D18, D19 and D20 have the times of departure arranged in
chronological order (i.e. D17=12.00, D18=13.30, D19=14.45 and D20 is blank).

Fields E17, E18, E19 and D20 have the times of arrival arranged in
chronological order (i.e. E17=13.00, E18=14.00, E19=15.00 and E20 is blank).

The idea is to use F17 to calculate the difference between the first time of
departure (which is always D17) and the LAST given time of arrival (E17
through E20). I've fought with this for hours but i can't make it work. Any


Hey that works! Damn, i tried EXTREMELY complex mathematical formulas and the
answer was THIS simple!

*bangs his head on the wall*

Anyway, millions of thanks to you Andy B!

"Andy B" kirjoitti:

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