Help me get rid of Lavendar color problem!



I have XP Professional.
When viewing webpages I get "lavendar" background colors instead of the
true colors of the actual webpages (like blue which should be the correct color). When I open up Dreamweaver on my desktop to revise my own webpages I get the color Lavendar again on everything instead of the true original color... blue! I
have adjusted all color settings in the control panel and on Internet Explorer.
How do I fix this problem? Does anyone have another suggestion to try?

Is it Internet Explorer color problems or other settings, 0r?


Hello Mika,
Are you having any other peoblems with the system? ie, are youe
programs running ok?

ron j



All of my programs are running great! It is the lavendar colors showing up on
websites I visit and when I open Dreamweaver to update my own website pages.
We have three accounts set up on XP with three different desktop themes.
Could desktop themes with different color schemes going on interfere with
monitor color display problems? Just curious.


Hello Sharon,
Ok. Let me make sure I understand you. The lavendar problem
only happens when you go online and when you open Dreamweaver ? Did you try
adjusting the properties for the screen\desktop? Same problem in every
The lavendar thing worries me a bit. That happened to me once. It was
because my PC was being taken over by a remote user but I am NOT saying that
is your problem. Let me know if I follow you correctlly so far. And if you
have tried adjusting the desktop screen or not. Best of luck to you,


Yes, The lavendar problem
only happens when I go online and when I open Dreamweaver ? I tried
adjusting the properties for the screen\desktop - Same problem in every
account. The lavendar color even changed in the source/view code of my
website and when I opened Dreamweaver. I never selected any other color but
blue for my background. Everyone who has logged into my website says the
colors are just fine!
One additional discovery I found was my 15 year old daughter had selected
colors for everything on her desktop themes, internet search bar, backgrounds
of icons and buttons. I removed those colors because it made my website and
other websites have hot pink text and other weird background colors. But it
still did not remove the lavendar problem. The hot pink text is gone! Also,
we do not have anyone in our family using remote access. Still puzzled! I am
wondering if I should try and delete my daughters XP account completely and
see if the problem goes away!

Thanks for trying to help me solve this problem!


Hello Sharon,
I am sorry I missed your post last night . I was not notifed that you
got back to me until very late. . By a remote user I meant that someone
can hack your system and take control remotely. No one in your home has to be
using remote desktop. OK. Back to the lavendar problem. I am wondering now,
if maybe your daughter might have changed something you don't know about yet?
Or maybe downloaded some sort of spyware. Does she share music files via P2P
? Or does she download free music? If so , that may be the cause. Maybe ,
if you deleted all accounts but the System admin. user and reset your screen
back. A another way you could have spyware of some sort is from your
website. Have you ever had a problem with hackers there ?
I broke out all my MCDST hand books , windows XP handbooks, and
even my MCSE traning book last night. I cannot find a reason for your problem
other than some soft of spyware. I wish I could seen your machine. I do not
mean to worry you but if you can afford a tech to have a look at it you
might want to think about that. In the meantime, solving your Lavendar
problem is my number one task today. A love a good chase and this one has my
intrest. I am going back to the books now i will post if I have anything new
for you. Please email me @[email protected] if the problem gets worse.
Check with your daughter and see if maybe she downloaded something
when Mom wasan't looking. Don't be to hard on her if she did. It could happen
to anyone the importantthing right now, is the truth. Techs would be twice
as fast if users were honest with them. I have a couple of calls today but I
will be working on your problem , honest.
Best of luck to you,

PS: I might check out your website as well. Do you upload &
download files via FTP?


One more thing: Try uninstalling Dreamweaver. I don't know much about it.
I am paying to have my site made. WEb design is not my thing. Still, you
might want to see if it could be causing it.


Ron said:
One more thing: Try uninstalling Dreamweaver. I don't know much about it.
I am paying to have my site made. WEb design is not my thing. Still, you
might want to see if it could be causing it.

Does this happen in IE only or also Firefox ?


I will do what you suggested:
1. uninstall Dreamweaver
2. Delete XP accounts except admin.

I use WS ftp Pro to upload my website files to RJS Networks.
and yes, all of this lavendar is showing up on Internet Explorer only that I
know of. I don't know anything about Firefox.

Should I run Spybot or some other software as well?

I will let you know if any of these things helps!

Thanks so much for pursuing this strange problem!


I also found out my youngest daughter did download some music from the
internet. And my oldest adult daughter downloaded some music to a CD and paid
for it on line from Napster. Could this be a problem?



I uninstalled Dreamweaver.........problem with lavendar still exists.
My daughter did download music from Napster but paid for the songs.
We put them on a CD last week.

I will now try deleting the XP accounts and see if that works.



My daughter does not share music files via P2P. I have not (or may not even
know) if hackers were messing with my website.



I deleted my two kids XP accounts............still no change to lavendar
I did a system restore back to when we installed our new
computer...............still no change to the lavendar problem.
I tried monitor color user presets and played with the different
colors.........still no change!

I looked for viruses and hacker events. McAfee is continuing to block
inbound events to my computer.

Darn I wish I knew what is going on!

Did you go to my website? If so, were the background colors blue and white?
I need to go to another computer to see what my website is doing. Supposedly
the colors are fine according to people I've called.



Hello Sharon,
I went to your site and it seems fine. You have done a great job there.
Yes run a spy-ware check. I don't use spy-bot but folks here seem to like it.
Webroot Spy sweeper is really good. They have a free download but I think it
only finds the problem. You have to update to remove,
i would have asked you to run one sooner but I took for granted you already
Also, if you could let me know what sort of machine you are running
and some info on the screen it would help.
Sorry I was so long getting back to you. A long day =long story

Oh one more thing if you run spycheck don't delete
anything yet, you need to make sure what it is first. Best of luck to you,


Hello Sharon ,
I am still waiting on my last post to get to the room. i don't know
who "Only Me" is but your website was fine today. Even downloads that you pay
for can cause problems. After this issue is solved you and your kids should
find a class about spyware and how to aviod it. There is so much more to it
than just using a Spy -ware checker. has a great thing for kids and
internet saftey. As well as many other places. Our schools should be dong
more to teach about this but that is a new post.


reply is below
Ron J said:
Hello Sharon,
I went to your site and it seems fine. You have done a great job
Yes run a spy-ware check. I don't use spy-bot but folks here seem to like
Webroot Spy sweeper is really good. They have a free download but I think
only finds the problem. You have to update to remove,
i would have asked you to run one sooner but I took for granted you
Also, if you could let me know what sort of machine you are
and some info on the screen it would help.
Sorry I was so long getting back to you. A long day =long story

Oh one more thing if you run spycheck don't delete
anything yet, you need to make sure what it is first. Best of luck to

free trial of spysweeper is fully functional only limit is 30 days and yes
it is good but would still run spy-bot and adaware both free

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