Help - Maxlocsperfile Error Message



I have a database that i have replicated on 5 different servers.. having
about 150 users. This database has been in existence for about a year with
no problems, but am now getting this error. What do i need to do to fix




I read this information and have an additional question. Does this have to
be done on every computer that access these databases or only those that do
the synchronization?




I found this code in the Help of Access:

Can you tell me what this will do for me and if this is better than changing
the registry ... also where would I put this code?



Sub SetOptionX()

Dim intExclusiveDelay As Integer
Dim intSharedDelay As Integer

' Get user input for new values of ExclusiveAsyncDelay
' and SharedAsyncDelay registry keys.
intExclusiveDelay = Val(InputBox("Enter a new value " & _
" for the ExclusiveAsyncDelay registry key " & _
"(in milliseconds):"))
intSharedDelay = Val(InputBox("Enter a new value " & _
"for the SharedAsyncDelay registry key " & _
"(in milliseconds):"))

If intExclusiveDelay > 0 And intSharedDelay > 0 Then
' Change values of registry keys.
SetOption dbExclusiveAsyncDelay, intExclusiveDelay
SetOption dbSharedAsyncDelay, intSharedDelay
MsgBox "Registry keys changed to new values " & _
"for duration of program."
MsgBox "Registry keys left unchanged."
End If

End Sub

David W. Fenton

I have a database that i have replicated on 5 different servers..
having about 150 users. This database has been in existence for
about a year with no problems, but am now getting this error.
What do i need to do to fix this..

If you're doing your synch in code, it will look something like

dbLocal.Synchronize "path to your remote db"

If you set the max locks before the synch, as the article suggests:

DAO.DBEngine.SetOption dbmaxlocksperfile,15000

I would suggest that you should buffer the existing value, change it
and then set it back to the original value.

But if you've got that many changes you should be synching more
often. The reason you hit the problem is because there are too many
records being updated at once. I've only see this problem when
there's been a long time between synchs, so rather than mucking
around with changing this option for each synch, I'd just synch more
often (more synchs are always good).

You could even set up an error handler that would bump up the
maxlocks setting if the error was encountered, and only do it when
it was necessary.

Actually, that's a good idea. I think I'll incorporate that into my
replication utilities.



That was great information. I was going to post asking why this occurred.
Seems strange because we sync every weekend and i was thinking that was
plenty, but obviously not. So to remove this error to allow me to sync.. I
would need to change this in my registry just for this time then I should be
ok? Is that what you are suggesting?

Again, I appreciate all the help I have received from this site.. you and
everyone else included. This is a great resource for someone self taught.



David W. Fenton

That was great information. I was going to post asking why this
occurred. Seems strange because we sync every weekend and i was
thinking that was plenty, but obviously not. So to remove this
error to allow me to sync.. I would need to change this in my
registry just for this time then I should be ok? Is that what you
are suggesting?

That's what I do on the rare occasions when I've encountered this

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