Help - Loop Function Giving Incorrect Output


Jenny Marlow

I need help with this loop that I created, but is giving me the wrong
results...what am I doing wrong?? Any help would be greatly

3 Date: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 UNIT1 G(00:00) R X X X X R R X
5 D(08:00) R X X X X R R R
6 S(16:00) X X X X X R R X

The R's above indicate operating hours for a production unit. I
created a function that needs to take the above excel data and write
a CSV file that records when the unit is scheduled to be up.

The format would be:


In this case, R is equal to product ROHS. So for the example above,
output CSV would be as follows:

UNIT1, ROHS, 04/01/2008 00:00, 04/01/2008 16:00
UNIT1, ROHS, 04/06/2008 00:00, 04/08/2008 00:00
UNIT1, ROHS, 04/08/2008 08:00, 04/08/2008 16:00

But my code is creating an output file of the following:

UNIT1,rohs,04/01/2008 08:00,04/01/2008 16:00
UNIT1,rohs,04/07/2008 16:00,04/08/2008 00:00
UNIT1,rohs,04/08/2008 08:00,04/08/2008 16:00

This is my code:

Sub ProcessRanges()

'This is the main procedure that processes all turns and writes them
into an output file

On Error GoTo ExitSub
Dim StartingDateRange As Range, FileName As String
Dim FileNumber As Integer
Dim Unit As Integer
Dim PreviousShiftStatus As String
Dim Rowcount As Integer
Dim LastRow As Integer
Dim sht As Integer

Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Path
FileName = "C:\FCDM.dat"

FileNumber = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Output As #FileNumber

LastRow = Sheet1.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Rowcount = 0

Do While Rowcount <= LastRow

'Go through the first sheet for each unit, then move on. Explicit
statement of PreviousShiftStatus = "D"
'because it must start on an UP TURN

Set StartingDateRange = Sheet1.Range("C" & (Rowcount + 3))

PreviousShiftStatus = "D"

For sht = 1 To 1

If CreateCVS(Sheets("sheet" & sht), StartingDateRange,
FileNumber, PreviousShiftStatus) Then

'all is well
Debug.Print "Success..."
Debug.Print "Failure..."
End If

Next sht

Rowcount = Rowcount + 7


Close #FileNumber

End Sub

Private Function CreateCVS( _
sh As Worksheet, _
StartingDateRange As Range, _
FileNumber As Integer, _
PreviousShiftStatus As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo Err_CreateCVS
Dim UnitNumber As String, CurrentDate As Date, PreviousDate As
Dim DataRange As Range

Dim FirstColumn As Integer, LastColumn As Integer, _
CurrentColumn As Integer

Dim ShiftRow As Long, ShiftStatus(1 To 3) As String
Dim ShiftItem As Integer
Dim OldShiftItem As Integer

Dim CurrentShiftStatus As String
Dim ConservationShutdown As Boolean
Dim HalfDay As Boolean

Dim i As Integer

'Data Range starts with first schedule box. Everything else is
'offset according to this cell

Set DataRange = sh.Range(StartingDateRange.Offset(1), _

Debug.Print DataRange(1).Address

FirstColumn = DataRange(1).Column
LastColumn = FirstColumn + DataRange.Columns.Count - 1
ShiftRow = DataRange(1).Row
UnitNumber = DataRange(1).Offset(, -2)
CurrentDate = DateValue(StartingDateRange)

If UnitNumber <> "0" Then

For CurrentColumn = FirstColumn To LastColumn

ShiftStatus(1) = sh.Cells(ShiftRow, CurrentColumn)
ShiftStatus(2) = sh.Cells(ShiftRow + 1, CurrentColumn)
ShiftStatus(3) = sh.Cells(ShiftRow + 2, CurrentColumn)

For ShiftItem = 1 To 3

Select Case Trim(UCase(ShiftStatus(ShiftItem)))
Case "R"
CurrentShiftStatus = "rohs"
PreviousDate = DateValue(CurrentDate)
OldShiftItem = ShiftItem

Case " ", "H", "X", ""
CurrentShiftStatus = "D"

End Select

If PreviousShiftStatus <> CurrentShiftStatus Then

If PreviousShiftStatus = "rohs" Then

Print #FileNumber, UnitNumber & "," &
PreviousShiftStatus & "," & _
Format(PreviousDate +
Choose(OldShiftItem, #12:00:00 AM#, #8:00:00 AM#, #4:00:00 PM#), _
"mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "," & _
Format(CurrentDate +
Choose(ShiftItem, #12:00:00 AM#, #8:00:00 AM#, #4:00:00 PM#), _
"mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm")

End If

End If

PreviousShiftStatus = CurrentShiftStatus


CurrentDate = CurrentDate + 1
CreateCVS = True
Exit Function
End If


End Function

I could really use some direction as to why this is not working for
me!! Thank you so much for whoever can help me debug this would allow me to enjoy my weekend!! Thanks!!


I found at least one problem. You were referenceing the sheet wrong in the
two statements

LastRow = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set StartingDateRange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & (Rowcount + 3))

Your DataValue statement
CurrentDate = DateValue(StartingDateRange)

may also be wrong. StartingDateRange must have an excel date such as
"4/25/08" or any data string that excel recognizes.

Jenny Marlow

How am I referencing the sheet wrong? The StartingDateRange in the
first instance would be in cell C3. As you can see below, the value in
C3 is "1", which is actually the value "4/1/08" with only the day
showing. So, in this case, the LastRow value would be equal to 7, the
starting date range would be Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C3")...Am I
missing something? The numbers in C3,D3,E3, etc. are all consecutive
date values. 4/1 , 4/2, 4/3, etc....Thank you Joel for your response!

Jenny Marlow

Dan R. Oakes was very helpful with creating a new function. I was able
to achieve my desired result with the following:

Sub test()
Dim lastCol&, c&, r&, arr(6) As Date
Dim val(15000) As String, dt(2) As String

arr(4) = #12:00:00 AM#
arr(5) = #8:00:00 AM#
arr(6) = #4:00:00 PM#

FileName = "C:\FCDM.dat"
FileNumber = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Output As #FileNumber

With Sheets(1)
i = 1
lastCol = .Cells(4, "IV").End(xlToLeft).Column
val(0) = "null"
For c = 3 To lastCol
For r = 4 To 6
val(i) = UCase(.Cells(r, c).Value)
If val(i) = "R" Then
If val(i - 1) <> "R" Then
dt(1) = Format(.Cells(3, c), "mm/dd/yyyy") & " " &
Format(arr(r), "hh:mm")
End If
End If
If val(i - 1) = "R" And val(i) <> "R" Then
dt(2) = Format(.Cells(3, c), "mm/dd/yyyy") & " " &
Format(arr(r), "hh:mm")
Print #FileNumber, "86" & "," & "ROHS" & "," & dt(1) & ","
& dt(2)
End If
i = i + 1
Next r
Next c
End With

End Sub

Thanks all for your help and input. This is a great community!


You had the following
LastRow = Sheet1.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set StartingDateRange = Sheet1.Range("C" & (Rowcount + 3))

It should be
LastRow = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set StartingDateRange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & (Rowcount + 3))

Sheet one was correct in the subroutine but the function had a differrent
value when the sht was not sheet 1.

with this change the data is
UNIT1,rohs,04/01/2008 08:00,04/01/2008 16:00
UNIT1,rohs,04/07/2008 16:00,04/08/2008 00:00
UNIT1,rohs,04/08/2008 08:00,04/08/2008 16:00

your request was
UNIT1, ROHS, 04/01/2008 00:00, 04/01/2008 16:00
UNIT1, ROHS, 04/06/2008 00:00, 04/08/2008 00:00
UNIT1, ROHS, 04/08/2008 08:00, 04/08/2008 16:00

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