Help in adding another check to my code



I have this code which checks the value in cell A1, if it is not equal to a
certain value then run the Banker macro
If it is the show msg box

If Range("A1").Value = 15 Or Range("A1").Value = 12 Or Range("A1").Value = 9
Or Range("A1").Value = 6 Or Range("A1").Value = 3 Or Range("A1").Value = 0
And Range("ab1").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Banker!", vbExclamation, "test"

If IsNumeric(Range("B9")) And Range("B9") > 0.5 Or Range("B9").Value = "1p"
Or Range("B9").Value = "10p" Or Range("B9").Value = "50p" Then

MsgBox "Box already picked..chose another !", vbExclamation, "test"

what I want added to the above is a further check to see if cell AB1 is
populated with 1 if it is then run macro Banker2 if it isn't run Banker

hope this makes sense


Hello Anthony,
I changed your code around to use some select statements instead of
all of those IF statements with OR. I am not sure how you want to test
Range("AB1"). I'm assumed that you're only checking if it is 1 and
ignoring all of the other checks. I hope this helps.

With Range("B9")
Select Case Range("ab1").Value
Case ""
'If Range("ab1").Value = "" Then
Select Case Range("A1").Value
Case 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
MsgBox "Banker!", vbExclamation, "test"
End Select

ElseIf (IsNumeric(.Value) And .Value > 0.5) Or .Value = "1p" Or .Value
= "10p" Or .Value = "50p" Then
MsgBox "Box already picked..chose another !", vbExclamation,

ElseIf Range("ab1").Value = 1 Then
End Select

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