help in access design



please i would like to design an ms access databse for my stocks with the
following feature.
the form should have a drop down list for all my staffs who takes stock.
opening stock field is closing stock plus additional stock issue(to change
closing stock field is opening stock less stock issued. (to change
date field of forms to change automatically to date on system.
a field to show the reorder leverl of stock.
other feature needed are: ability for each staff to access the form on the
network, fill out stock required. and i need a double entry record for me to
sign and the staff in quetion of the stock that was taken.
i would like to print out a daily report of the status of stock and who took

please i would need help to these from the house.
thank you kareem

Jeff Boyce


I think you'll find that the newsgroups are a good place to find help with
how to do specific tasks, but not as good at designing an entire database
application. If you post a specific question about how to do something, the
volunteers here generally can offer suggestions.

What have you already tried?

If you haven't done so already, perhaps the very first thing you'll need to
do is consider the underlying data and structure ... everything Access does
is based on that data/structure. If you aren't familiar with the topic of
"normalization", check on-line and Access HELP to get started.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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