Help!! I having problems with Null Values!



I am trying to build a report to look like a statement. I have two fields..
One is this months data and the other is the previous data. Since I only have
room for one number, I went back to the query to build the iif formula to
tell it to look at either one field or another and give me the one that has
numbers in it. Since some of the fields are null (obviously) it keeps giving
me problems. My mom says I need to build a null program, but she can't
remember how and I cannot find anything on it. And due to the null problem,
the report is not showing that field. It will show the other fields, even
ones that are depending on the field input to calculate the answer. I am
building this report in 2007, but need it to continue to work as if it is in
2003. Please help.. I am getting very frustrated.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

You didn't show us the expression that you've tried to use, but perhaps this
will give you a starting point:

=Nz([FieldName1], [FieldName2])

Tom Wickerath

Hi Wendy,

Perhaps you need to use the conditional IF function, IIF, in combination
with the ISNull function. The syntax for the IIF function is this:

IIf(expr, truepart, falsepart)

The syntax for the IsNull function is this:


So, for instance, you might have a Control Source for a text box that looks
something like this:

=IIF(IsNull(Field1) = True, [Field2], [Field1])

where Field1 and Field2 are the two fields in question. Make the appropriate
substitutions for your field names. You could also have this expression as
the Field in a query, but you would leave out the = sign. This works in the
Northwind sample database, using the Customers table in a query:

Field: CityState: IIf(IsNull([City])=True,[Region],[City])

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Thanks for your help!! What Ken gave me ran and gave me the desired result
when there was updates, but it is still giving me the parameter response. I
am dealing with amounts and some of them are a zero amount. Some are blank,
waiting for the numbers to be sent in to me. We are wanting to use the
number that are the most up to date. For instance if the account closed then
the answer would be 0 no matter what month and I have this plugged in now.
Or maybe the account didn't send in the information for April, then we would
want to have the formula look at March. My mom mentioned that Access can not
always discern the difference between a character=zero and an actual null

Ken Sheridan


Before we look at your specific problem it might help if we examine a few
general concepts. Firstly what do we mean by NULL? Well, the first thing to
understand is that NULL is not a value, so to talk of a NULL value is really
a contradiction in terms, although, just to muddy the waters, its true that
the Value property of an object can be NULL. A NULL is really the absence
of a value. About the nearest we can get to saying what its means is that
its an 'unknown'. Zero on the other hand is most definitely a value.

Because a NULL is not a value it behaves rather strangely. We say that NULL
'propagates' for instance. This means that any arithmetical expression
invoving a NULL will always result in NULL whatever the other value are, so
10 + NULL = NULL, 100 + NULL = NULL, 25 * NULL = NULL and so on. Often we
want to use another value if something is NULL, which is where the Nz
function comes in. This returns a value in place of a NULL or the actual
value if something is not NULL, e.g. if MyField is NULL then Nz([MyField],0)
returns 0, but if MyField is 42 then Nz([MyField],0) returns 42.

NULLs also behave a little strangely in comparative operations if we have a
criterion of MyField < 123 say and MyField is NULL then the answer is not
True or False, but, you've guessed it, NULL. This makes sense oif you think
about it because, if NULL is an 'unknown', then the answer if we compare NULL
with any value must also be 'unknown', i.e. NULL. The field which is NULL
could be less than 123, more than 123 or it could equal 123; we just don't
know. This does mean we need to be careful with NULLS. What would a NULL
credit limit for a customer mean? Zero credit? Unlimited credit? There is
no way of knowing. With currency data its more often than not best not to
allow NULLs and to give fields a DefaultValue of 0.

So much for NULLs. Turning to table design in a relational database like
Access, your statement: "I have two fields.. One is this months data and the
other is the previous data." does set my antennae twitching a bit. It sounds
to me that you might, by having separate columns for each month, be doing
what's known as 'encoding data as column headings'. This is against a
fundamental principle of relational database design which requires that data
only be stored as values at column positions in rows in tables. Having
columns for each month is storing two data values 'this month' and 'last
month' as the column headings. A correctly design table would have the
values for each month in separate rows, with columns to indicate the month
and the amount. I'll come back to this below.

In a relational database tables rep[resent 'entity types' and their columns
represent 'attributes types' of the entity type. FirstName and LastName
might be attribute types of a Customers entity type for instance. The
columns in a table should represent attribute types specific to that entity
type, so as to avoid any redundancy. OrderNumber would not be an attribute
type of a Customers entity type for example, as you'd have to have separate
rows in the Customers table for every order placed by that customer, so there
would be a lot of repetition of FirstName, LastName etc. and the possibility
of inconsistencies. Instead you'd have an Orders table with a CustomerID
foreign key column which references the primary key of Customers. This is a
one-to-may relationship type but sometimes relationship types can be
many-to-many, e.g. Orders to products as each order can be for more than one
product, and ech product can be included in more than one order. In a case
like this the relationship type is represented by another table, OrderDetails
with columns OrderID, and ProductID, these being foreign keys referencing the
primary keys of Orders and Products, along with columns such as UnitPrice,
Quantity etc which are specific to each order detail.

Applying these general principles to your scenario, lets assume a simple
hypothetical situation where you have accounts identified by unique AccountID
values and columns such as AccountName, Closed (a Yes/No column to indicate
when an account is closed etc. So you'd have an Accounts table with columns
for these attribute types. Each month an amount is returned in relation to
each account, so the attribute types for this are the year, the month and the
amount so you'd have an AccountReturns table with columns ReturnYear,
ReturnMonth and Amount, all numbers (the last as currency) as this makes it
easy to work with the months and it’s a simple matter to get the name of the
month from the number if required. Accounts and AccountReturns.

When a return is made a new row for the account is inserted into the
AccountsReturned table. One things this means of course is that there will
never be a NULL amount as no row will exist until an amount is returned.

To list all returns for each account is simple a matter of joining the two
tables in a query like so:

SELECT Accounts.AccountID, AccountName,
Closed, ReturnYear, ReturnMonth, Amount
FROM Acounts INNER JOIN AccountReturns
ON AccountReturns.AccoutID = Accounts.AccountID;

However, you want to return the latest returns per account only, and to
return a zero if the account is closed. To do this you need to restrict the
rows returned to those where the ReturnYear and ReturnMonth values represent
the latest return for each account. This done by means of a subquery, which
is 'correlated' to the main 'outer' query on the AccountID values. It would
go something like this:

SELECT Accounts.AccountID, AccountName, Closed,
FORMAT(ReturnYear & "-" & ReturnMonth& "-" & 1,"mmm yyyy")
As MonthReturned,
IIF(Closed,0,Amount) AS AmountReturned
FROM Acounts INNER JOIN AccountReturns AS AR1
ON AR1.AccoutID = Accounts.AccountID
WHERE AR1.ReturnYear & FORMAT(AR1.ReturnMonth,"00") =
(SELECT MAX(AR2.ReturnYear & FORMAT(AR2.ReturnMonth,"00"))
FROM AccountReturns AS AR2
WHERE AR2.AccountID = AR1.AccountID);

To explain this:

1. FORMAT(ReturnYear & "-" & ReturnMonth& "-" & 1,"mmm yyyy") As
MonthReturned shows the year/month in a format such as May 2008.

2. IIF(Closed,0,Amount) AS AmountReturned shows a zero if an account is

3. AR1.ReturnYear & FORMAT(AR1.ReturnMonth,"00") tacks the year and month
values together in a format like 200805.

4. MAX(AR2.ReturnYear & FORMAT(AR2.ReturnMonth,"00")) finds the highest
value of the year/month in the same format as above, i.e. the latest month.

5. WHERE AR2.AccountID = AR1.AccountID correlates the subquery with the
outer query on AccountID. Note how the AccountReports table is given aliases
of AR1 and AR2 to distinguish between the two instances of the table in the
outer and subquery.

The query should consequently give the latest amounts returned per account,
regardless of when the latest return was. In the case of closed accounts the
amount will be given as zero.

I realize this won't match your scenario exactly, or maybe not even closely,
but I hope it will give you some insight into how this sort of situation can
be handled.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

Tom Wickerath

Hi Wendy,

Ken Sheridan gave you quite an impressive reply; I do hope you spend the
time to try to understand the points he made. To add some to his reply, take
a look at some of the articles on database normalization, available here:

The first two articles, written by database design expert Michael Hernandez,
should be considered "must read" articles; one of them in only four pages in
length. If you have similar data stored in two or more fields in the same
table, then you have a multi-valued table design, which is not a good thing.
...always discern the difference between a character=zero and an actual
null value=blank.

I'm assuming your fields are numeric, but just in case you are using a text
field, you should know the difference between a zero length string and null
(unknown). Access MVP Allen Browne covers this topic here:

Problem properties ---> See "Fields: Allow Zero Length"

Ken's reply also delved into the subject of subqueries. Allen Browne also
has some excellent pages that discuss using subqueries:

Subquery basics

Surviving Subqueries

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Ken & Tom,

Thanks so much. I am trying to apply what you told me and I think we are
not communicating well. Or maybe I cannot understand what you are telling
me!! Since I am a great believer in reiterating until I understand, I am
going to explain in greater detail what I am trying to accomplish and maybe
this will help.. (Since from what I understand null is nothing which is what
I want it to understand and if the space is null, then go to the previous
cell... Hmm that is exactly what I am needing!!! and I will tell you why and
if I am right:

There are a list of the Prime keys for my database. Each prime key is a
company of ours. We get monthly bank statements in for each of these
companies (and sometimes multiple statements for each company) and this is
where I am having the problems. This database is accessed by our acturials
(who are not very access savy at all) using it to import into a database
built in the 1960's or early 70's. It cannot handle the yes/no at all (since
I have it in the database for those of us who know how to use the database
and they have called to ask me to change the no to zeros) and we have to show
what the balance is (even if zero) since the other tables that have
additional information imported from seperate sources. Each of these tables
have infromation that will need to subtracted from the zero or other values..
This table is only one of many variables for these companies. So.. I have
the key values on the right. and the months are the fields across. For
instance.. code 999 has a field for each month's balance so that we can track
the interest and such for each account and so on. The acturials ONLY need
this information and it is on it's own table that was originally imported
from an excel spreadsheet. Currently we are manually calculating and
inputting all this data into a word document to produce a statement along
with other information. They have asked me to automate this since I have
every piece of the puzzle in the database and we have been generating reports
with this information in it. BUT... I cannot get a formula to work (that
subtracts the statement balance from the required ammount in the account) and
have slowly removed each aspect of the formula to find that it is not liking
the balance problem that I have been asking about. Since we have about 350
companies and some have multiple accounts and we are adding about 300
companies in the next couple of months, you can see why we are wanting to
automate this.

I REALLY appreciate your help with this. My divsion is begininng to
undertand what databasing can do for it and has me running around helping
everyone. (That is why I could not get back to this sooner. too many
hotspots!!) This is the first time I am using the report feature. We are a
numbers based company and most of the reports are required in excel and so I
have not had any problems until now. (using the office tools feature and
sending everything out to excel) I am teaching myself how to do a report and
this formula is erasing some of the numbers in the statement. I could not
get it to work in the report and have it in the query that the report is
based on. It gives me the answer, but removes all the factors shoing this in
the report. It is very frustrating and everyone is of course wanting this
done this month. They have tried to give it to outside companies to do, and
they all point their fingers back at me syaing they cannot do it but she has
all the infromation and can do it.

Again.. I REALLY appreciate all the help. They are paying forme to go to
SQL class, but I cannot go until later..

Tom Wickerath

Hi Wendy,
...(Since from what I understand null is nothing...

Null is undefined. It's not zero, it's not nothing, it is undefined, just
like any number X divided by zero is undefined in mathematics.
...and if the space is null, then go to the previous cell...

The solution Ken Snell offered, which uses the built in Nz function, should
work for this purpose.
So.. I have the key values on the right. and the months are the fields across.

Stop. Having separate fields for each month is not good database design.
This is known as a multi-valued field design. Go back and read the database
design papers, written by Michael Hernandez, which I told you about in a
previous reply. It sounds to me like you have an "Access spreadsheet" with
this design. Multi-valued field designs are always much harder to work with.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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