Help!!!!!!! I can't run any MS-dos based program.



Can Some one Please help me I am running win xp. all of a sudden my dos based
programs dont run I get this message every time I click on the programs......
"C:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running
MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications." I never had the problem till
about 6 months ago I have tried system restore to earlier date (12months ago)
but it still cant find dos.....Please Help as programs i'm trying to run are
very important to me (accounts for tax)

Tim Slattery

sillybilly8 said:
Can Some one Please help me I am running win xp. all of a sudden my dos based
programs dont run I get this message every time I click on the programs......
"C:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running
MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications." I never had the problem till
about 6 months ago I have tried system restore to earlier date (12months ago)
but it still cant find dos.....Please Help as programs i'm trying to run are
very important to me (accounts for tax)

Check this KB article:


sillybilly8 said:
Can Some one Please help me I am running win xp. all of a sudden my dos based
programs dont run
Firstly, you need to locate an i386 folder - it's may be somewhere in
Windows\Options but you may have to insert the Windows CD and use that one -
for the sake of this excercise, we'll assume that its on drive D
1) Click START - RUN
2) Type cmd
3) Click on OK
4) In the box which appears, type the following three commands, and hit
ENTER after every line (Please make certain that you get the spaces in the
right places)

expand d:\i386\autoexec.nt_ c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt

expand d:\i386\config.nt_ c:\windows\system32\config.nt

expand d:\i386\command.co_ c:\windows\system32\

5) placesThis should solve matters, but a restart may be needed.

Martin Ellis


thanks for all the help but either I am no good at doing this, or there is
something else wrong with my pc, because after trying the things that
everyone has suggested I still can't get it to work...i.e where it says On
the File menu, click Save As.
13. In the File Name box, type Autoexec.nt, and then click Save. Close the
Autoexec.nt file.
14. Start Windows Explorer. Locate the Config.nt file, right-click the
Config.nt file, and then click Copy.
15. Right-click the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 folder, and then click Paste.
16. Locate the Autoexec.nt file, right-click the Autoexec.nt file, and then
click Copy.
17. Right-click the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 folder, and then click Paste.
18. Locate the file, right-click the expanded file,
and then click Copy.
19. Right-click the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 folder, and then click Paste.
Restart your computer.
I can't find %SYSTEM%\system32 folder...........sorry if I sound so thick
any Idea what i am doing wrong?


sillybilly8 said:
thanks for all the help but either I am no good at doing this, or
there is something else wrong with my pc, because after trying the
things that everyone has suggested I still can't get it to work...i.e
where it says On the File menu, click Save As.
13. In the File Name box, type Autoexec.nt, and then click Save. Close
the Autoexec.nt file.
14. Start Windows Explorer. Locate the Config.nt file, right-click the
Config.nt file, and then click Copy.
15. Right-click the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 folder, and then click
Paste. 16. Locate the Autoexec.nt file, right-click the Autoexec.nt
file, and then click Copy.
17. Right-click the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 folder, and then click
Paste. 18. Locate the file, right-click the expanded file, and then click Copy.
19. Right-click the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 folder, and then click
Paste. Restart your computer.
I can't find %SYSTEM%\system32 folder...........sorry if I sound so
thick any Idea what i am doing wrong?

No need to apologize, it's OK. The "%SYSTEM%" is a variable. It means
where you have installed Windows. This is usually C:\Windows, but XP
doesn't have to be installed on the C: drive. So if your XP is
installed on your C: drive, go to:


and paste the files in there.



Alex Nichol

sillybilly8 said:
Can Some one Please help me I am running win xp. all of a sudden my dos based
programs dont run I get this message every time I click on the programs......
"C:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running
MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications."

Look for a reserve version of it in C:\Windows\repair and *copy* it into
Windows\system32, replacing the one that may be there

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