Help! - How do I access the PresentationOpen event with VBA?



As per the VBA help file, I've set up a new class using the WithEvents keyword, I've instantiated an instance of the PP application and I've intialised it, so far so good. I can now access events such as PresentationBeforeSave but I want to make changes as the presentation opens however the PresentationOpen event is not trapped by my procedure (I suspect because the init procedure hasn't run). So I'm probably doing something dumb, which isn't a surprise as I'm a business consultant with some programming skills not a developer. Can anyone help?

Shyam Pillai


Take a look at:
Make PPT respond to events

Shyam Pillai

dave@aqumen said:
As per the VBA help file, I've set up a new class using the WithEvents
keyword, I've instantiated an instance of the PP application and I've
intialised it, so far so good. I can now access events such as
PresentationBeforeSave but I want to make changes as the presentation opens
however the PresentationOpen event is not trapped by my procedure (I suspect
because the init procedure hasn't run). So I'm probably doing something
dumb, which isn't a surprise as I'm a business consultant with some
programming skills not a developer. Can anyone help?

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