Help...Help! Can't work with Windows XP prof




Please help me to solve this problem. My machine has become very slow recently. The problem is when reading files from hard disk or network drives. All the softwares/aplications takes 3-4 minutes to load. To open a folder and to display the contents its takes about 5 minutes.

Can anybody help me solve this problem. I have gone through the steps provided by Ms. Kelly in one of the previous posts. Adware, Spybot, defragment, etc etc...

####Previous Post####

Thanks for all the valuable advice & support that you guys are providing. My problem is the computer is very very slow recently. IT takes ages to open a folder or file. When I swtich between applications open, it gives me the message "Not Responding" and starts workign after some time.

I have purchased an Acer machine with Windows Home edition installed. Later I upgraded to Windows XP Pro. McAfee Virus Scan & Firewall is installed. IIS & Frontpage components installed. Also Visualt Studio for development. The machine was workign fine for the last 2-3 months. The problem started only last week. I couldn't remember exactly how it happened. One fine mornign, when I started my system it became very slow. Every action on the computer is taking time. Mainly in accessing files from my own hard disk or through the network.

Can anybody provide some details to fix this problem. There are many data lying in my computer. So I can't consider reformatting my system.

Many thanks in advance

R. McCarty

With any "Sluggishness" the first thing to check is Event Viewer.
Look at both Application and System logs. Double-Click all
Red icons and note the description of the errors. All errors
have to be resolved.

Boot to Safe mode - The system should fully boot in 25-35
seconds. If performance is normal - then you are looking at
either Drivers or Startup applications affecting your boot time.

Here is where you have to run down what is starting and
eliminate Spyware & Trojans with the standard tools. This
assumes that your Anti-Virus is up to date and a full scan has
been done. Some Windows Updates can negatively impact
performance. Look at the Windows Update "View installation
History", note the last several items installed, their KB number
and date. Also run Task manager, Processes tab, add columns
to view Peak memory use, Mem usage and Page faults. By
monitoring these you can determine what is using the majority
of your system CPU time.

Also a Chkdsk C: /R is a good idea to eliminate any drive errors
as a contributing factor. (Click Start, Run (type) Chkdsk C: /R))
Reply yes to run at next system startup, and reboot.

To keep the process as technically simple as possible, the
easiest fix is to use System Restore back to a date where the
sluggishness wasn't present.

Updated Chipset, Video and NIC drivers never hurt, but only
after the other items have been checked.

There isn't a formalized check-list for how to fix this. The biggest
issue is determining what the cause is.

sheni said:

Please help me to solve this problem. My machine has become very slow
recently. The problem is when reading files from hard disk or network
drives. All the softwares/aplications takes 3-4 minutes to load. To open a
folder and to display the contents its takes about 5 minutes.
Can anybody help me solve this problem. I have gone through the steps
provided by Ms. Kelly in one of the previous posts. Adware, Spybot,
defragment, etc etc...
####Previous Post####

Thanks for all the valuable advice & support that you guys are providing.
My problem is the computer is very very slow recently. IT takes ages to open
a folder or file. When I swtich between applications open, it gives me the
message "Not Responding" and starts workign after some time.
I have purchased an Acer machine with Windows Home edition installed.
Later I upgraded to Windows XP Pro. McAfee Virus Scan & Firewall is
installed. IIS & Frontpage components installed. Also Visualt Studio for
development. The machine was workign fine for the last 2-3 months. The
problem started only last week. I couldn't remember exactly how it happened.
One fine mornign, when I started my system it became very slow. Every action
on the computer is taking time. Mainly in accessing files from my own hard
disk or through the network.
Can anybody provide some details to fix this problem. There are many data
lying in my computer. So I can't consider reformatting my system.

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