Help! Formula Needed



I'm new at this. I added two field to an Excel Expense Report Template, but I
do not know have to what formula to use to calculate the totals.

These are the fields: Hotel, Transportation, Fuel, Meals, Phone,
Entertainment, Misc, and Total. But I inserted these two fields: # of Miles
and Mileage Rate (40.5 cent). I am not sure how to include the two added
field into the formula.

Please Help.

Bob Phillips

sound like just SUM, or is that too simple? If Miles are inserted in column
H and mileage rate in I, with total moving across to J, then just use



With existing fields in A to G,
And mileage in Column H, and mileage rate in Column I,

Revise your SUM() formula to something like this:



Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

I'm new at this. I added two field to an Excel Expense Report Template, but
do not know have to what formula to use to calculate the totals.

These are the fields: Hotel, Transportation, Fuel, Meals, Phone,
Entertainment, Misc, and Total. But I inserted these two fields: # of Miles
and Mileage Rate (40.5 cent). I am not sure how to include the two added
field into the formula.

Please Help.


The I and M keys are *not* next to each other, even on your keyboard, so


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit !

sound like just SUM, or is that too simple? If Miles are inserted in column
H and mileage rate in I, with total moving across to J, then just use



Thanks for your help. But I still having problems.

Here is the actual order of the columns.

Date, Description, Hotel, Transportation, Fuel, Meals, Phone,
Entertainment, Misc, and Total. I inserted # of Miles and Mileage Rate
(40.5 cent). between Misc and Total. I tried the formula you gave me, but I
don't think the total was correct. I enter the mileage rate as 40.5...could
that be the problem.

Please let me know. Thanks again.

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