Help - Error: Unable to set the PrintArea property of the PageSetup class


Marie J-son

Happy New Year to you all!

I get Runtime error '1004': "Unable to set the PrintArea property of the
PageSetup class" at the line below starting with "Sheet1.PageSetup.PrintArea
=" as noted by "error" below.

Do any of you see any obvious error I done with the code? Could it be caused
by not having the right window active?
Here is the extract from the code:
With Application.CommandBars.FindControl(id:=182)
If .State = msoButtonDown Then .Execute
End With
Application.ThisWorkbook.Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).View =
xlPageBreakPreview '
Sheet1.PageSetup.PrintArea =
Sheet1.Range("A1:O1450").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Address '
< ---_H_E_R_E_

The code is initated by a button event in an UserForm procedure 'Sub
CommandButton1_Click' and after several code procedures this happen in the
end. All I want is to hide rows and show others in sheet1(codename).

At first I thougt it was caused by to many signs (>256), but it was just
this address: $A$1:$O$369,$A$514:$O$801,$A$946:$O$1231,$A$1375:$O$1450
Any comments?


Tom Ogilvy

I pasted your range into the print_area refersto box and saved it. then
went back and looked at it. It was stored with the sheet name as shown. I
also checked the length.
? len("='Sheet1 (2)'!$A$1:$O$369,'Sheet1 (2)'!$A$514:$O$801,'Sheet1
(2)'!$A$946:$O$1231,'Sheet1 (2)'!$A$1375:$O$1450")
If your sheet name is long, then length could be the problem.

Marie J-son

Hi Tom, and thank you for your help.
With your LEN operation you got 109 ist that right? Will it not be an error
until (>256)? What can I do about it, do you think?


Tom Ogilvy

It is 109 based on my sheetname of Sheet1 (2). You would have to check it
with your own sheetname to see if it is a problem. I don't know of another
reason why it would be a problem, but that doesn't mean there isn't another

If your sheet name is in fact making it too long, you could shorten your
sheet name.

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