Help! error messages : c:\PROGRA~1\1CLICK~1\1cla.exe



1. I keep getting this error message when I turn my computer on. I get it
twice, one with: Windows cannot find (and the error message above) I click
ok and I get this message again when saying: Desktop could not load or run
'c:\PROGRA~1\1CLICK~1\1cla.exe'. How can I fix this?

2. I have just signed up for ADSL broadband but could not get it to work on
that computer. Could this error be the problem because ADSL works on my


It looks like that is spyware. I would suggest downloading Microsoft's
Antispyware and installing it. If that doesn't get it then it probably can be
removed from the registry. In the run line run regedit.

Browse to this location and you should see the key. Right click on it and
delete it.
It could also be located here:

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