Help end the testing tedium please



I have an extremely complex template, its ancestry traced to another author,
that I need to test extensively, often, as I add features to it. It can
handle up to 60 projects and, when I test it, I would like to test it with
all 60 used. I will use 60 imported data files called "Project 1test.xls"
thru Project 60test.xls".

Presently, you have to repeat the same procedure to import and process the
60 files and, though it is simple and cute, for all 60 files, it is
dreadfully tedious, so much so that you can mess it up. So, I'd like some
help in automating the procedure.

Assume that a custom screen (a "form" in VB editor that is somehow populated
more) is presented. It already was designed by another long before I was
asked to augment the template. Here is the subsequent procedure:

The "form" I am presented with has 60 little blank circles which say,
"Project 1" . thru "Project 60" beside them, respectively.

(1) I click on the blank circle beside Project 1 and it fills it in.

(2) Then I click on a rectangular button on that "form" that says "Select
File", which opens up a dialog box allowing me to manually navigate to and
choose an EXCEL data file for it to import.

(3) Once I find the right file, call it "Project 1test.xls" (assume it is
the default (last used) folder), I click the open button on that dialog box,
which causes it to import the file and do its business, and then the dialog
box goes away.

(4) Next, I click a rectangular button on the form titled "Consolidate".
About ten seconds later, it responds with "This project has been
successfully consolidated", leaving you with a dialog box upon which you
click OK.

Then, I would repeat the exact same procedure for Projects 2 thru 60 using
files named Project 2test.xls thru Project 60test.xls", all in the same

Can someone give me VB code that would cycle thru this for all 60 projects?

Thanks much!


PS For what it's worth, I tried recording the process of clicking on a
macro button to bring up the "form" and doing these 4 steps but all that was
recorded was:

Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
' Macro recorded 10/20/2007 by Dean

Application.Run "'CPT-10-19-07 DM-3.xls'!Load_Consolidate_Dialog"
End Sub


The option buttons are the 60 blank little circles. When you select one of
these buttons it is running a macro that is using GetOpenFilename.

What you need to do is create a table of project numbers and filenames.
This can easily be done using an Array statement in VBA

Filenames = Array("Name1","Name2","Name3").

You could also have a base name for each file with a diffferent number added
for each input.

What you really need to do is to post the old code at this website because
you need a new macro. You can't just have a new macro call the old macro
because the method of selecting the filenames will be different.

I think from your description only minor changes will be needed, but it will
make the operation fully automatic.


Thanks so much for your help. I'm not sure I know everything that goes on
behind the scenes, so I may err on the side of giving you more than you
need. The first subroutine loads the dialog screen. From looking at the
form, this seems to simply populate the labels beside the 60 buttons. I
have a hunch you don't need it but here that is:

Sub Load_Consolidate_Dialog()
'If this bombs, you may have to clear out the names in the hidden "utility"
Dim n As Integer
For n = 1 To 60
If Range("projectName" & (n)).Value > "" Then
Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)).Caption _
= Range("ProjectName" & (n)).Value
Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)).Caption _
= "Project " & (n)
End If
Next n
End Sub

It has several buttons on it, such as clear selected projects but I don't
use them, so I only care about the two buttons I mentioned.

From what you said, I assume that the select file button invokes this macro
(but I may be mistaken - it's always an EXCEL file):

Function GetOpenFile(Optional varDirectory As Variant, _
Optional varTitleForDialog As Variant) As Variant
' Here's an example that gets an Access database name.
Dim strFilter As String
Dim lngFlags As Long
Dim varFileName As Variant
' Specify that the chosen file must already exist,
' don't change directories when you're done
' Also, don't bother displaying
' the read-only box. It'll only confuse people.
lngFlags = ahtOFN_FILEMUSTEXIST Or _
If IsMissing(varDirectory) Then
varDirectory = ""
End If
If IsMissing(varTitleForDialog) Then
varTitleForDialog = ""
End If

' Define the filter string and allocate space in the "c"
' string Duplicate this line with changes as necessary for
' more file templates.
strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, _
"Access (*.mdb)", "*.MDB;*.MDA")
' Now actually call to get the file name.
varFileName = ahtCommonFileOpenSave( _
OpenFile:=True, _
InitialDir:=varDirectory, _
Filter:=strFilter, _
Flags:=lngFlags, _
If Not IsNull(varFileName) Then
varFileName = TrimNull(varFileName)
End If
GetOpenFile = varFileName
End Function

Lastly, the consolidate button uses this macro (which may be a nightmare to
follow, as even I have had my hand in adding to it):

Sub Consolidate_Project()
Dim i As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ConFile = FileNameOnly(FileName)
'Check to see if a file was selected
If FileName = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please select a project file to consolidate."), vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'Check to see if a project location was selected
t = 0
For i = 1 To 60
If Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (i)).Value = True Then
t = t + 1
End If
Next i
If t = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Please select a project location to consolidate to."),
Exit Sub
End If
' Use the selected option button
n = 1
Do Until Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)).Value = True
n = n + 1
'Select the project to consolidate to.
If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) > "" Then
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40))
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("G" & (n + 40))
End If

'Get the Project Worksheet ready for import.
'ActiveSheet.Range("A1").ClearContents' changed by DA
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:CN230").ClearContents 'changed by DA

'Perform the Consolidation
Workbooks.Open (FileName)
If SheetExists("Output") = True Then
'Import Project Name
Sheets("Plan Input").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=
False, Transpose:=False

'added by DA on 9/7/06 to paste names into worksheet
ActiveCell.Offset(0, n).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False

'end of DA edit

'Import All Data by DA
With Selection
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With
ActiveSheet.Range("A2:CN800").Select ' changed by DA in oct 2007
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

'lots taken out here by DA that brought in sections one-by-one

'Clear Clipboard
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Close the source workbook
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
'Change project sheet name and clear Consolidate Dialog
Call Park
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("ProjectName" & (n))
Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) = Range("Projectname" & (n))
Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)).Caption _
= Range("ProjectName" & (n)).Value
Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)) = False
MsgBox ("The selected project was successfully consolidated."),
MsgBox ("The workbook you selected is not a valid business plan
model."), vbCritical
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End If
n = 0
FileName = ""
ConFileName = ""
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Let me know if you need more. And thanks again, so much.



Dean: I split Consololidate Project into two subroutines. Just moved around
a little bit of the code and created a new subroutine consolidate. My plan
is to just call consolidate for testing.

You will need a new routine that will look something like Consolidate_All.
Notice I put a blank string at the beginning of the Array to skip the first
array member which has an index of zero.

I think you may want to pass the new function the Path as a third parameter.
I will make the ProjectFile Array easier to enter the names (they will be

Let me know if you need additional help.

Sub Consolidate_All()
Dim n As Integer
ProjectFile = Array("","Filename1","Filename2",.........)
For n = 1 To 60
ProjectName = Range("projectName" & (n)).Value
Call Consolidate(ProjectName,ProjectFile(n))
Next n
End Sub

Sub Consolidate_Project()
Dim i As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'Check to see if a file was selected
If FileName = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please select a project file to consolidate."), vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'Check to see if a project location was selected
t = 0
For i = 1 To 60
If Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (i)).Value = True Then
t = t + 1
End If
Next i
If t = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Please select a project location to consolidate to."),
Exit Sub
End If
' Use the selected option button
n = 1
Do Until Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)).Value = True
n = n + 1
'Select the project to consolidate to.
If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) > "" Then
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40))
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("G" & (n + 40))
End If

call Consolidate(FileName, Prj_Sht)
end sub

Sub Consolidate(ByVal FileName as String, ByVal Prj_Sht as String)
'Perform the Consolidation
'Get the Project Worksheet ready for import.
'ActiveSheet.Range("A1").ClearContents' changed by DA
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:CN230").ClearContents 'changed by DA

ConFile = FileNameOnly(FileName)
Workbooks.Open (FileName)
If SheetExists("Output") = True Then
'Import Project Name
Sheets("Plan Input").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=
False, Transpose:=False

'added by DA on 9/7/06 to paste names into worksheet
ActiveCell.Offset(0, n).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False

'end of DA edit

'Import All Data by DA
With Selection
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With
ActiveSheet.Range("A2:CN800").Select ' changed by DA in oct 2007
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

'lots taken out here by DA that brought in sections one-by-one

'Clear Clipboard
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Close the source workbook
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
'Change project sheet name and clear Consolidate Dialog
Call Park
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("ProjectName" & (n))
Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) = Range("Projectname" & (n))
Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)).Caption _
= Range("ProjectName" & (n)).Value
Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)) = False
MsgBox ("The selected project was successfully consolidated."),
MsgBox ("The workbook you selected is not a valid business plan
model."), vbCritical
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End If
n = 0
FileName = ""
ConFileName = ""
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub


Unfortunately, I am not too swift with macros, so I'm a tad confused.

Within the array, do the filenames need the .xls extension? If the names of
the file really were test1 thru test60, would the array statement need them
all listed or is it smart enough for a ... to work? By path, I assume you
mean the path to the folder where the files will be. If so, I think we can
ignore that for now, i.e., as long as the last time it was queried, we
supplied the same folder, it will use that folder as a default, right?

When you say:

I will make the ProjectFile Array easier to enter the names (they will be

I don't know what you mean. Are you planning on doing some more work?

I tried copying your macro into my file, just using, test1, test2, and test3
as the three project names in the array and I notice that, every time the

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=
False, Transpose:=False

command shows up, it is in red font. What could be the problem there?

Also, in red font is these two msgbox commands:

MsgBox ("The selected project was successfully consolidated."),

MsgBox ("The workbook you selected is not a valid business plan
model."), vbCritical



I think I figured out that you meant "It", not "I", below, Can you modify
the code to use a path? Assume the path is:

C:\Documents and Settings\Dean\My Documents\AW\CONSOL TEMPLATE\files



Dean: I trying to minimize the risk of breaking the code that is already
working. I don't think you have posted all the code which I don't need but
don't want to break. There is probably code on the sheet pages and
Thisworkbook that you are not aware of. Lets not worry about that code.
Lets just get your test function working. From your psting I'm not sure if
the old code still works or the problem is the new code. right now I'm
assuming the new code had problems.

I modified my code to include the path

Sub Consolidate_All()
mypath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Dean\My Documents\AW\CONSOL

Dim n As Integer
ProjectFile = Array("","Filename1","Filename2",.........)
For n = 1 To 60
ProjectName = Range("projectName" & (n)).Value
Call Consolidate(ProjectName, mypath & ProjectFile(n))
Next n
End Sub

Answer to questions
1) in the array, do the filenames need the .xls extension?
2) if the names of
the file really were test1 thru test60, would the array statement need them
all listed or is it smart enough for a ... to work?

The are lots of ways to get the filename. The array method will work ynder
any condition. If there is a pattern to the file name then the array may not
be necessary such like the code below

For n = 1 To 60
ProjectName = Range("projectName" & (n)).Value
Call Consolidate(ProjectName, mypath & "test" & n)
Next n

3) By path, I assume you
mean the path to the folder where the files will be. If so, I think we can
ignore that for now, i.e., as long as the last time it was queried, we
supplied the same folder, it will use that folder as a default, right?

The new code I gave you now includes the path

4) When you say:

I will make the ProjectFile Array easier to enter the names (they will be

I don't know what you mean. Are you planning on doing some more work?

As I said before, There are lots of ways to get the files names depending if
there is a pattern to the names or if they are random. I wanted yo to see
what I was doing and then expected exactly the questions you are asking.

the additional work is what I'm doping now which is helping you find the
best way to get the filenames. I hope I'm not confusing you. I felt it was
better not to give you too much information until you saw the code. the I
planed to answer the questions you needed answered.

5) I tried copying your macro into my file, just using, test1, test2, and
as the three project names in the array and I notice that, every time the

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=
False, Transpose:=False

command shows up, it is in red font. What could be the problem there?

I t looked like the line wrapped. The underscore "_" should be on the same
line as the = and False should be on the next line. the posting sometimes
get extra lines if the lines are too long. I did not modify these lines.
Look at your original code and enter these lines like they were originally

Also, in red font is these two msgbox commands:

MsgBox ("The selected project was successfully consolidated."),

MsgBox ("The workbook you selected is not a valid business plan
model."), vbCritical

I did not modify these lines. It looks like the lines wrapped and should be
one line. Look at the original code and enter these lines like they appeared
in the original code.


The old code was/is working fine, so the problem is in the new code. I
fixed the wrap around problem as you advised. I am a little confused by the
two arguments needed for "Consolidate". When you call it from Consolidate
All, it seems that you may be reversing their order from what Consolidate
wants. Is that correct?

Considering the above, I am also a bit confused by your suggestion fro
automating the assumed filename, perhaps because you have copied the routine
to name the project sheet. Please assume that both the filename and the
worksheet name are sequential. Let's say the filenames are test1 thru test60
and that the sheet names will be joe jones test1 thru joe jones test 60

Lastly, though it is not essential info for me to understand, I know that a
worksheet called Utility somehow captures the sheet names, but am confused
as to how it gets them. There are statements such as

If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) > "" Then
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40))

in the macro which are probably doing it, but I think I am confused because
I am still interpreting them backwards. When I see "Then B = A", I assume
that it means to assign A's value to B. But I am guessing that this is just
the opposite. If so, I guess you have answered my question. If not, then
if you have any clue as to how it is finding its way onto the Utility
worksheet, let me know (it may be off somewhere in another macro). I do
know which cell in each input file becomes Prj_Sht. I just am a little
confused as to where the macro puts it.

Can you kindly answer these questions and rewrite Consolidate ALL so that it
automates both the filename and the worksheet name?

Thanks much for your help!


1) The old code was/is working fine, so the problem is in the new code. I
fixed the wrap around problem as you advised. I am a little confused by the
two arguments needed for "Consolidate". When you call it from Consolidate
All, it seems that you may be reversing their order from what Consolidate
wants. Is that correct?

Is did reverse order. sorry

2) Considering the above, I am also a bit confused by your suggestion fro
automating the assumed filename, perhaps because you have copied the routine
to name the project sheet. Please assume that both the filename and the
worksheet name are sequential. Let's say the filenames are test1 thru test60
and that the sheet names will be joe jones test1 thru joe jones test 60

New code above is using your suggestion

3) Lastly, though it is not essential info for me to understand, I know that
worksheet called Utility somehow captures the sheet names, but am confused
as to how it gets them. There are statements such as

If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) > "" Then
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40))

Your original code had the function below which may be causing part of your
problems. There is a names range called "projectname". I think you can see
it in the worksheet menu

Insert - Name - Define

if it is not in the above try

File - Properties

Let me know which one it is located. There are few ways of defining ranges
and I can't tell from the code which method is being used.

Sub Load_Consolidate_Dialog()
'If this bombs, you may have to clear out the names in the hidden "utility"
Dim n As Integer
For n = 1 To 60
If Range("projectName" & (n)).Value > "" Then
Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)).Caption _
= Range("ProjectName" & (n)).Value
Consolidate_Dialog.Controls("ProjectButton" & (n)).Caption _
= "Project " & (n)
End If
Next n
End Sub


4) If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) > "" Then
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40))

This code is a little different from Load_Consolidate_Dialog. It doesn't
use a named range instead it is actuall using a cell location in worksheet
utility. Range("I55"). Notice the double quotes around the range which
indicates this is a string. An ampersand (&) connects string together and
converts a number (n) to a string. So if N = 55 (N is a number), Range("I" &
N) is the same as Range("I55"). VBA converted automaitcally the number 55 to
a string "55".

5) in the macro which are probably doing it, but I think I am confused
I am still interpreting them backwards. When I see "Then B = A", I assume
that it means to assign A's value to B. But I am guessing that this is just
the opposite. If so, I guess you have answered my question. If not, then
if you have any clue as to how it is finding its way onto the Utility
worksheet, let me know (it may be off somewhere in another macro). I do
know which cell in each input file becomes Prj_Sht. I just am a little
confused as to where the macro puts it.

B = A does mean assign A's value to B. Not sure why you are interpreting
this backwards. It may be the IF statement

If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) > "" then

The above is a test check if the string on sheet utility Range "I?" (? is
number) is not a blank string. I prefer not to use > but use <> (not equal)

If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) <> "" then

The statement below is the assignment if the string is not empty

Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40))

New Consolidate All
I added a messgebox to help get it working. You can remove the message box
after we get the code working. Check the placement of the spaces in the
msgbox. You had "test60" and "test 60". Not sure which is right. I add a
blank before the number (" "). Remove the blank and one of the ampersands if
it is wrong from both statements below. chr(13) put a carraige return into
the messbox to make the message easier to read.
Sub Consolidate_All()
Dim n As Integer
mypath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Dean\My Documents\AW\CONSOL
sht = "joe jones"
files = "test"
For n = 1 To 60
PrjName = sht & " " & n
ProjectFile = mypath & sht & files & " " & n & ".xls"
'remove msgbox after code works
msgbox("File and project name are as follows : " & chr(13) & _
ProjectFile & chr(13) & PrjName)
Call Consolidate(ProjectFile,PrjName)
Next n
End Sub


The project names were, indeed, range names. I'm not sure that is
important. The new macro is crashing (subscript out of range) at:


I'm not sure why. The filename and sheet name look fine. It seems that we
are now skipping the Consolidate Project macro and, perhaps, it was the last
part of that macro that was defining what Prj_Sht is. Which brings me to
that question that confuses you on the B = A thing: I can't figure out how
column I of Utility gets populated. I know that, somehow, when the old
macro ran, it did, but I can't figure out how.

By the way, if a macro crashes at a certain point, does everything before
that point get done, or does it, somehow, not do anything? The cell on
Utility is not getting populated - I can tell you that.



Dean: Last night I tried to take the approach that would havve the best
changge of working. I guess I failed.. I susspect you are getting error
1004 which indicates the workshhet was not found. I wondering if the code is
failing when n = 1 1 or at some higher value of N. The code your have posted
wqs checking for projects that havve empty strings. Maybe it is failing
bacause of a project that doesn't exist?

1) First try this change

Call Consolidate(ProjectFile,PrjName)
Call Consolidate(ProjectFile,PrjName)

The codee may be working for the first project and not the second. When a
workbook opens occurs it changes the focus window to the newly opened
workbook. the coede may be failing because the workbook that contains the
worksheett Utility is not activated.

The real fix would be to change the statement that is failing but againn I
don't want to risk breaking working code


2) Try adding amessage box before this line of code and run the old code
and see what you get. compare the results with the old code and new code


3) Look at the utility worksheet in columns G and I like the code below

If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) > "" Then
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40))
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("G" & (n + 40))
End If

Code that checks if the project exists. this is more complicated and dfon't
really want you to try this until we get the other code working. We may have
to use it to skip projects that don't exist.

Sub Consolidate_All()
Dim n As Integer
MyPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Dean\My Documents\AW\CONSOL

Files = "test"
For n = 1 To 60
If Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40)) > "" Then
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("I" & (n + 40))
Prj_Sht = Sheets("Utility").Range("G" & (n + 40))
End If

If Prj_Sht <> "" Then
ProjectFile = MyPath & Prj_Sht & Files & n & ".xls"
'remove msgbox after code works
MsgBox ("File and project name are as follows : " & Chr(13) & _
ProjectFile & Chr(13) & Prj_Sht)
Call Consolidate(ProjectFile, Prj_Sht)
End If
Next n
End Sub

Last night I first stated writing the code like the code below but felt It
would be harder to get working. Maybe we need to change the code.


I will try some of this. I wanted to let you know that I changed the 60 to
4, because I wanted to see the result with only 4 before I bothered to
create 60 files, which is tedious. And since your message box only popped
up once, and had the correct info for the first file, I assume it failed on
the first file.

You didn't answer my questions as to whether, if a macro bombs, if the stuff
that before the bomb stays put, or if it somehow is reset back to the
beginning. I don't see that anything in column I of Utility is being filled
in. More importantly, I was hoping you might be able to tell me how that
column I of Utility gets populated. It seems that, perhaps, it is getting
populated via the Consolidate Project macro and we seem to have circumvented
that macro, but I'm not even sure that's where it happens. To me, it seems
that (my "Then B = A "argument) Prj_Sht is set equal to what's in column I,
not the other way around, and I'm still wondering how column I gets
populated. When the macro starts, it is empty - I can tell you that. Do
you have any idea? I think that is the problem.


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