Help Displaying Data From Database



Hi, I have a table stored in a database called "Compare" with three columns.
The first column is the CompareID (it is an auto increment integer), the
second is "Person1", and the third is "Person2". When one of my pages loads I
pull the whole table into a DataTable. What I want to do is display each row
on my page in a table allowing the user to choose either Person1 or Person2
for each row using RadioButtons to make the choice mutually exclusive. Then
when the user clicks a submit button at the bottom I want to store the
results in another table called "Results". The Results table is set up so I
can store the UserID (which I can pull from the Session object), CompareID,
and the choice the user selected Either Person1 or Person2's name. How can I
do this?

Eliyahu Goldin

The directions: make a repeater control with the item template including a
radiobutton, a control for Person1 and a control for Person2. Read the
database table in a dataset and bind controls for Person1 and Person 2 to
the corresponding columns in the dataset table. Show/hide controls for
Person1 and Person2 depending on the radiobutton.


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