Help: Copy Web site vs Publish Website vs Web Deployment Project

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cirene
  • Start date Start date


When would I use "Copy Web site" over "Publish Website" or visa versa? Why
would I use the Web Deployment Project vs these options?

I want to make sure no one can pull up/read/download my vb source code (in
..vb files).

I would prefer easy update of the site (code or aspx.)

If i just do a simple Copy Website will this pose a security risk, such as
people being able to see my code in the vb files?
!> I want to make sure no one can pull up/read/download my vb source code (in .vb files)

The best way to prevent that possibility is to compile your classes
into assemblies and uploading the dlls to the app's bin directory.

No vb source uploaded = no one can pull up/read/download your vb source code in .vb files.

Make sure that the .Net Framework directory(where the vb and/or cs compilers are located)
is in your path; navigate to the dir where your .vb files are, and run the compile command :

vbc /t:library /out:myFile.dll myFile.vb

myFile.dll will be created/compiled in the current directory.

Move the assembly to the /bin directory of your application and fire away.
If you want to have VS.NET use it, reference it in your project.

If you want to use C#, then the command line would be :

csc /t:library /out:myFile.dll myFile.cs

If you need to import .Net classes, include them in your command line:

vbc /t:library /r:system.dll /r:system.web.dll /out:common.dll common.vb
csc /t:library / /r:system.web.dll /out:common.dll common.cs

Juan T. Llibre, MVP faq :
foros de, en español :
the only people who would have access to the 'code' of your website would be
people who have access to login to the server and permissions to access
those files - unless your IIS configuration is messed up.

The way we do it is, use a WDP to compile a web site - usually pre-compiled
, non-updateable - to a local deployment folder , customizing the result as
Then we have a second solution that includes the local deployment folder as
a web site.
From there we use CopyWebSite to actually deploy to the final destination -
CopyWebSite allows you to pick and choose what gets copied and what doesn't.
We never use Publish WebSite site - which imo is only useful for a 1st time
publish and useless for updates due to its destructive all-or-nothing

We use this same type of scenario for non-web app updates as well - use
build actions to copy appropriate files to a deployment folder after build.
Open the deployment folder as a website and use CopyWebSite to update
existing installations.

gerry said:
the only people who would have access to the 'code' of your website would
be people who have access to login to the server and permissions to access
those files - unless your IIS configuration is messed up.

The way we do it is, use a WDP to compile a web site - usually
pre-compiled , non-updateable - to a local deployment folder , customizing
the result as necessary.
Then we have a second solution that includes the local deployment folder
as a web site.
From there we use CopyWebSite to actually deploy to the final
destination - CopyWebSite allows you to pick and choose what gets copied
and what doesn't.
We never use Publish WebSite site - which imo is only useful for a 1st
time publish and useless for updates due to its destructive all-or-nothing

We use this same type of scenario for non-web app updates as well - use
build actions to copy appropriate files to a deployment folder after
Open the deployment folder as a website and use CopyWebSite to update
existing installations.
