Help!! Computer constantly restarts!



For the past five days my system starts up it then shuts down and restarts. I get to the log on screen, I log on and then twenty seconds later my computer stops everything its doing and shuts down. I went into safe mode and use system restore to get on( thats how im typing this message) but i shut my computer off and the next day i wake up it restarts again. System restore takes forever that cant be the only sollution. Do I have a virus? I've ran a few tests and got rid of everything on it. Please someone help. I'm scared to turn my comp. off jsut cause i know it will restart. Help, Please. Thank you.


I'm downloading the patches and running some free scans. It may not be the problem...but when I shutdown tommorow I'll know.... Either way thank you very much.

Black Baptist

=?Utf-8?B?Sm9yZGFu?= rambled on in microsoft.public.windowsxp.general:
For the past five days my system starts up it then shuts down and restarts.
I get to the log on screen, I log on and then twenty seconds later my
computer stops everything its doing and shuts down. I went into safe mode and
use system restore to get on( thats how im typing this message) but i shut my
computer off and the next day i wake up it restarts again. System restore
takes forever that cant be the only sollution. Do I have a virus? I've ran a
few tests and got rid of everything on it. Please someone help. I'm scared
to turn my comp. off jsut cause i know it will restart. Help, Please. Thank
Run msconfig and check the startup tab try unchecking some of the items,also
run spybot and/or ad-aware

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