HELP: Comparison IF statement


R Weeden

I am trying to compare two cells in a row within a range on one worksheet
and return a value on another worksheet. Example: Cell A3 on Worksheet 1
has an IF statement the compares the cells in column A to the cells in
column C on worksheet 2. IF cell a3 in Column A is NOT blank check to see
if the cell c3 is blank. If both conditions are met then return a value to
A# on Worksheet1. I am having trouble getting the comparison name to work.

Thanks in advance.

R Weeden

R Weeden

That works for the single cell, but how would I check the value based upon
the last non-blank cell of column A, comparing that to the value of the same
row in column C to determine if it is blank.

We have one column that has file submission dates and another column that
has file response dates. I am trying to find which submission date (Column
A) do not have a response date (Column C).

Tom Ogilvy

Say in A3 on sheet1 you put a formula like


Entered with Ctrl+Shift+enter and then drag fill it down until it starts to
return errors.

R Weeden

That returns several errors. I am probably not explaining myself well

I have a worksheet (AC) that has a column of submission dates (Column A)
and a column of response dates (column C).
I enter the date in column A when I submit a file. After this file is
processed I enter the response date in column C.

I have another sheet (Schools) that tracks submission dates.
On the School sheet I am trying to create a cell in a column that checks to
see if each schools latest submission file has been processed. If it has
been processed (EX: check the column of Submission dates to fine the latest
date (the last non-blank cell, or the last cell with a date in it). Then I
want to check in the response date column for that row and see if the
response date is blank.

If it is blank I am trying to return "Not Processed" in that school's row on
the Schools sheet.

If it is not blank (there is a date in the cell) I am trying to return

Thanks for your help and patience... :)

Tom Ogilvy

So where is the data that identifies the school on the AC sheet. A column
of submission dates doesn't identify the school . I will assume the school
identifier is in column B on AC and in column A of the Schools sheet. In
B2 for example enter

= IF(INDEX(AC!$A$1:$C$500,

With Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than entere and drag down the column.

R Weeden

Sheet AC is for the school "Acacia". The sheet name identifies the school.
Each school's data is on a separate Sheet using the schools two-letter
abbreviation as the Worksheet name.

I have a column on the "Schools" worksheet that lists each school. On the
row for each school I have a cell that shows the submission date from each
schools worksheet. On a cell to the right of the submission date is where I
am trying to put the formula to show if the latest submitted file has been

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