Help! Cat Did Something Wierd...

  • Thread starter Shadow_Runner27
  • Start date


Howdy everyone.

Well, my cat walked across my keyboard when I was on the
internet (using Internet Explorer), and she did something
that's screwing up my window sizing. When I maximize the
window, it covers the task bar and it's annoying the hell
out of me, because it never use to do that before.
Typically, it would maximize and still keep the taskbar
visible. Can anyone tell me what to do do restore it's old
resize? (I know this sounds stupid, but if anyone would
know, it'd be greatly appreciated.)

Thank you all for your time. :D

Jan Il

Hi Shadow_Runner27 :)
Howdy everyone.

Well, my cat walked across my keyboard when I was on the
internet (using Internet Explorer), and she did something
that's screwing up my window sizing. When I maximize the
window, it covers the task bar and it's annoying the hell
out of me, because it never use to do that before.
Typically, it would maximize and still keep the taskbar
visible. Can anyone tell me what to do do restore it's old
resize? (I know this sounds stupid, but if anyone would
know, it'd be greatly appreciated.)

Thank you all for your time. :D

Try the following and see if it helps. ( cat likes to help me type
too <g>)

Can you grab a corner of side of the window and grag it in smaller so that
you can get a handle on it?

or ................

Resizing Screen (Window) in IE

For your small screen, if you have already tried the maximize, by clicking
on the center tab open the upper right corner of the screen, then do the

Pass the cursor over the right side of the screen until you get a two ended
arrow <--->, then hold the left mouse button down and drag the edge of the
screen to the right as far as you want it. Then do the same on all the other
until it fills the screen. Then close the Explorer and see it the screen is
now fully open

IE New Window Maximizer

How to resize small windows

Note for Internet Explorer Users: The latest explorer seems to open all
subsequent windows into a "small size", which you must then maximize or
enlarge. I found a fix for this searching the Usenet newsgroups.:

Start IE, right click any URL and select Open in a New Window.
Go back to the first IE window you opened and close it.
Return to the second window and manually drag it to fill the screen.
(Do not use the maximize button)
Close this second window, using the close box.
All IE5 windows should now open as maximized as you positioned your second

Hope this helps.

Jan :)

Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.

Charlie Tame

Jan Il said:
Hi Shadow_Runner27 :)

Try the following and see if it helps. ( cat likes to help me type
too <g>)

Can you grab a corner of side of the window and grag it in smaller so that
you can get a handle on it?

or ................

Resizing Screen (Window) in IE

For your small screen, if you have already tried the maximize, by clicking
on the center tab open the upper right corner of the screen, then do the

Pass the cursor over the right side of the screen until you get a two ended
arrow <--->, then hold the left mouse button down and drag the edge of the
screen to the right as far as you want it. Then do the same on all the other
until it fills the screen. Then close the Explorer and see it the screen is
now fully open

IE New Window Maximizer

How to resize small windows

Note for Internet Explorer Users: The latest explorer seems to open all
subsequent windows into a "small size", which you must then maximize or
enlarge. I found a fix for this searching the Usenet newsgroups.:

Start IE, right click any URL and select Open in a New Window.
Go back to the first IE window you opened and close it.
Return to the second window and manually drag it to fill the screen.
(Do not use the maximize button)
Close this second window, using the close box.
All IE5 windows should now open as maximized as you positioned your second

Hope this helps.

Jan :)

Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.

Start>settings>taskbar and start menu.

On the general tab is "Always on top checked?" You might want to drag the
corner of IE up and then close IE before you do this. You can also check the
"Auto hide" box if you like, to be honest I like that sometimes and not
others... decisions decisions.

Try hitting this if all else fails, then close IE.



-----Original Message-----

you get a two
ended same on all the
other see it the screen

Start>settings>taskbar and start menu.

On the general tab is "Always on top checked?" You might want to drag the
corner of IE up and then close IE before you do this. You can also check the
"Auto hide" box if you like, to be honest I like that sometimes and not
others... decisions decisions.

Try hitting this if all else fails, then close IE.


Howdy all. :D

Thank you for your help, but, I'm still having trouble
getting my maximize position. >.< Like, I followed what
you wrote, but when I do maximize it, the window goes to a
Full Screen mode (like, when you hit the F11 key), and I'm
not sure if it's a deeper setting I have to change, but if
anyone would know how to fix this, I'd greatly appreciate
it. :)

Thanks again all of you. :D

Jan Il

Hi Shadow_Runner27 :)
Thank you for your help, but, I'm still having trouble
getting my maximize position. >.< Like, I followed what
you wrote, but when I do maximize it, the window goes to a
Full Screen mode (like, when you hit the F11 key), and I'm
not sure if it's a deeper setting I have to change, but if
anyone would know how to fix this, I'd greatly appreciate
it. :)
What exactly have you tried to resize the window thus far? Can you get to
the top toolbar?

You might look in View and see it the Full Screen is checked. If so, uncheck
it. It might be that some how kittly may have entered a keyboard command to
go to Full Screen (F11). See if that helps.

Jan :)

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