HELP! cannot delete folder on desktop


Frank Esposito

i can not delete a folder on my desktop. I have tried the nameplace registry trick,
tried rd from cmd. the result is:

The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.

I even tried ERD Commander, booting outside of XP pro, nothing.

any ideas?


/Frank Esposito/ said:
I cannot delete a folder on my desktop. I have tried the nameplace registry trick,
tried rd from cmd. the result is:

The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.

I even tried ERD Commander, booting outside of XP pro, nothing.

Try Kelly's link, below. Click on "D" and scroll to...
"How do I delete an "undeletable" file?"


/Frank Esposito/ said:
I cannot delete a folder on my desktop. I have tried the nameplace registry trick,
tried rd from cmd. the result is:

The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.

I even tried ERD Commander, booting outside of XP pro, nothing.

Kelly's link, below. Click on "D", then scroll to...
"Delete - Permission Denied When Trying to Delete Folders/Files"

Frank Esposito

hey thanks for the info, but i fixed it. Everything listed in the
previous posts i tried and they did not work.

when i did the rd command it reported the file was not there

I think the file-name depth was too deep.

what i came up with was renaming every folder(it was 7 levels deep),
then i was finally able to delete the files but not the folders.

Then i rebooted in ERD 2003 commander and was finally able to delete
the folders.

I think the folder was there on the disk, but somehow the index was
missing or corrupted in the file index or part.table or whatever ntfs

but it is now gone.

i hope this can help someone else.
thanks for the help


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