Help / Advice needed to setup interactive worksheets



Hi all,
i am looking for some help and advice regarding how to set up several
different worksheets to interact.
Basically i wish to create the following:
1. a worksheet that will show total run time in hours & minutes of work
carried out sometimes stretching over more than one day through midnight.
2. an inventory of parts that can generate a stores order form each week of
spares required that have reached a minimum level.
3. a worksheet for defects that has an entry for spares used that will
interact with the inventory sheet.
4. a stores order / received sheet that is generated by the inventory and
when received will update the inventory levels.
5. a maintenance sheet that can interact with the inventory sheet when
spares are used,

Pretty easy i guess if you are familiar with excel but as a beginner it
looks like a very formidable task.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?


smw226 via

Hi Kev,

To be honest, I would forget Excel for this and use Access.

You will be able to achieve your goals much easier using this.




Thanks for the response Simon

Whilst i am slightly familiar with Excel for day to day stuff i have no
experience or dealings with Access. Can it do what i am after? ie can it
total up hours run etc and link inventories to spares used in fault logs etc?

Best Rgds

smw226 via

Hi Kev,

Access will be easily able to handle your needs but if you have never used it
before it may take you a while.

However, if you need any tips or pointers I am more than happy to help and
also check out this site's sister for a whole community
of helpers.

All the Best

Thanks for the response Simon

Whilst i am slightly familiar with Excel for day to day stuff i have no
experience or dealings with Access. Can it do what i am after? ie can it
total up hours run etc and link inventories to spares used in fault logs etc?

Best Rgds
[quoted text clipped - 28 lines]


Many thanks Simon

Off to check out the other site now and also see if i can find any idiots
guides for access !! :)


smw226 via said:
Hi Kev,

Access will be easily able to handle your needs but if you have never used it
before it may take you a while.

However, if you need any tips or pointers I am more than happy to help and
also check out this site's sister for a whole community
of helpers.

All the Best

Thanks for the response Simon

Whilst i am slightly familiar with Excel for day to day stuff i have no
experience or dealings with Access. Can it do what i am after? ie can it
total up hours run etc and link inventories to spares used in fault logs etc?

Best Rgds
[quoted text clipped - 28 lines]


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