Hello All !!

Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all,

Well here I am, got here by accident......... :p

This site is actually quite good........and there seems to be some intelligent life here !!

Me........I am not a geek, but seek enlightenment !!

I run a helpline for Students using a Wireless Network....its a fun job.........but sometimes I feel more like a Doctor with all the viruses floating about ...... ;)

Hopefully I might get to post an intelligent thread one day.......:thumb:

We shall have to see.........
Hi ya cpenn yo just dropped in now did ya, well if it's enlightenment you want youv'e come to the wrong place dude.:p

but if you want your brain rinsed on a permanent basis this is probably the place to be.

And in the words of freddie mercury (another one bites the dust) i'm off to bed, tddaaa.

Oh and by the way welcome to the site dude....:D
Welcome cpenn :D

Where abouts to you run the wireless helpline, is it for a uni?
Hi :)

There are many 'non-geeks' here, nice to have another ;)
Haha i wonder how many people consider themselves a geek - i mean if they actually are one... but deny it lol...

Me? I'm not a geek - lol i work at sainsburys :) Nice to have you in the club Mr Penn ;)