having trouble with Lookup


Ron Berns

I am still pretty green at this coding. I am using Access2003.

I am trying to lookup a record in another table(stores) and save a field in the
current table (Table1). Here is what I have:

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Table1")

StoreNo = Mid(MyString, 3, 4)
error --> rst!ST_GLN = DLookup("[GLN_NO]", "stores" , "[STORE_NO] = [StoreNo]")

Thanks in advance.

Jeff Boyce


Are you saying that you want to take a value stored in one table and copy it
into another table? If so, why? Doing whatever you're trying to do this
way would violate basic relational database design unless your situation is
fairly unusual.

If you'll describe your situation a bit more, folks here may be able to
offer more specific assistance.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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