having trouble with ISNA and VLOOKUP



Need help with a formula..

Let's say I have "12/31/2000" in Sheet 1, Cell A1 and I need to see if
this date is in a table in Sheet 2 and if it is it will return a value
of "1" and if not it returns a value of "2"

The formula I have is


12/31/2000 is NOT located in Sheet 2 yet I still get a return value of
1.. help would be appreciated

Niek Otten

You need


See HELP or the function wizard for the 4th argument of VLOOKUP
Kind regards,

Niek Otten

| Need help with a formula..
| Let's say I have "12/31/2000" in Sheet 1, Cell A1 and I need to see if
| this date is in a table in Sheet 2 and if it is it will return a value
| of "1" and if not it returns a value of "2"
| The formula I have is
| =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A1:B4,2)),0,1)
| 12/31/2000 is NOT located in Sheet 2 yet I still get a return value of
| 1.. help would be appreciated
| --
| webstju
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Bob Phillips

see response in worksheet.functions


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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