Having Trouble Using Database Window Key {F11} in Macros



Hi All--

I'm having trouble using the Database Window hotkey {F11} in mircos. When I
call SendKeys, I think the key is sent but nothing happens. The key works
outside macros but I have to HOLD F11 DOWN; I can't just tap it. Who knows
how many F11s are buffered before it actually works. What do I do?


instead of using SendKeys (which is not always reliable, as you've
discovered), try using the SelectObject action.

enter the Object Type and Object Name of an object that is *not* open at the
time the macro runs. set the In Database Window argument to Yes. running the
macro should bring the database window to the front without actually opening
the selected object. (at least that's how it performs in my A2000 db running
in A2003.)



Thanks Tina, that really works well.

tina said:
instead of using SendKeys (which is not always reliable, as you've
discovered), try using the SelectObject action.

enter the Object Type and Object Name of an object that is *not* open at the
time the macro runs. set the In Database Window argument to Yes. running the
macro should bring the database window to the front without actually opening
the selected object. (at least that's how it performs in my A2000 db running
in A2003.)


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