having problem with passing data to custom action




I have problem with passing data to custom action. I don't know what wrong
I'm doing. I'm trying to follow the steps in the walkthrough: "Passing Data
to a Custom Action"


The error I recieve is:
"The savedSate dictionary does not contain the expected values and might
have been corrupt."

The code I'm using in the installer class is as follow:
public override void Install (System.Collections.IDictionary stateSaver)
//Get the parameter passed across in the CustomActionData
string strServerName = this.Context.Parameters["SNAME"];

if(strServerName == "")
throw new InstallException ("No arguments specified");

//Use reflection to find the location of the config file
Assembly Asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Asm.Location + ".config");

if (!fileInfo.Exists)
throw new InstallException ("Missing Config file");

//Load the config file into the XML DOM.
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
xmlDocument.Load (fileInfo.FullName);

//Finds the right node and change it to the new value
XmlNodeList nodelist = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName ("appSettings");

bool foundServerName = false;

for (int i = 0; i < nodelist.Count; i++)
int y = 0;
XmlNode n = nodelist.FirstChild;
while (y < nodelist.ChildNodes.Count)
if(n.Name == "add")
if (n.Attributes["key"].Value == "SNAME")
n.Attributes["value"].Value = strServerName;
foundServerName = true;

n = n.NextSibling;

throw new InstallException ("config file did not contain a
servername section");

//Write out the new config file.
xmlDocument.Save (fileInfo.FullName);

thanks in advance.

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