HasData Property



I have a subreport linked to a report. The subreport is showing in a group
header. It is visible whent there is data to display, and I have the
subreport's 'Can shrink' property set to 'Yes', so when there is no data, it
collapses. Works fine.

I want a textbox, or label for that matter, to appear when there is no data
in the subreport. I am trying to evaluate the HasData property of the
subreport, but can't get the code to recognize the objects, etc. I don't
think I have the syntax correct. The report's name is 'Turnover' and the
sub-report's name is 'OpenPos'. The name of the control is 'notice'.

I have put the following code in the format event of the groupheader section:

If Me!OpenPos.Turnover.HasData = False Then
Me!Notice.Visible = True
Me!Notice.Visible = False
End If

I can't get past the first line of the if statement without errors. Ho do I
properly refer to the subform re: the HasData property?

Thanks in advance


Try this
If Me.OpenPos.Report.HasData = False Then
Me.Notice.Visible = True
Me.Notice.Visible = False
End If

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