Has msdn2.microsoft.com become a bummer loading and mangling page display?


Dave Sexton

I've witnessed something like that too for a few days now, sporadically, but a
request never showed up mangled - they just never loaded at all. But, the
status bar showed that the web site was found.

I just assumed they're upgrading the hardware or software.

Dave Sexton

Oh, and BTW it only seemed to be the case for msdn2.microsoft.com.

msdn.microsoft.com/library worked fine for me, but when performing a search
and clicking one of the links in the search results it wouldn't work if it
pointed to msdn2. And, I couldn't browse to msdn.microsoft.com because that
was being redirected to msdn2.microsoft.com.



Yea -- I agree -- its just msdn2 --- anything else from
microsoft.com/downloads or any other of their websites are just fine but
msdn2 is where all the current documentation is and has become inaccessible.

This is a pitiful loss of time that has been dragging me down for weeks now.
I've tried talking to Microsoft's "product managers" but they are impotents
and have no care or concern for getting anything done. They also like to
play dumb. Very disrespectful. My fuse is burning and I might go off any
minute now...

<%= Clinton Gallagher

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