Has anyone had this problem?



When using Excel, sometimes a cell gets highlighted and then cannot be
un-highlighted. It seems like it gets stuck and then all cells around
the affected cell are also all highlighted if I try to move the cursor.
If I try to exit, the dialog box says can't quit excel. I have tried
everything to get the sheet to return to normal, but nothing seems to
work. Does anyone have any advice??



Your shift key may have some problem. It may be pressed. Press shift keys
or Esc keys.

Gord Dibben

You might be in Extended mode.

If you are you will see EXT on the status bar.

Hit F8 to disable.

OR..........if you have a wheelie mouse, hit the wheel a few times.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

When using Excel, sometimes a cell gets highlighted and then cannot be
un-highlighted. It seems like it gets stuck and then all cells around
the affected cell are also all highlighted if I try to move the cursor.
If I try to exit, the dialog box says can't quit excel. I have tried
everything to get the sheet to return to normal, but nothing seems to
work. Does anyone have any advice??

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks so much for your help. This problem only occurs intermittently
and I have tried the shift keys and esc - actually have tried al
keys!! It's so frustrating when it happens in the middle of work, an
it seems like the only way to fix it is to shut down the entir
computer, wait a bit, then restart and hope that it is gone!! I hav
never tried F8 key, and have done that already. I didn't see EXT on th
status bar, but anything is worth trying!!
Thanks again

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