Hardware Upgrade and Hard Drives



I'm going to be upgrading my computer and want to keep
the 2 existing hard drives. However, the primary drive in
the existing computer will not be the primary drive in
the new computer. How do I transfer the old hard drives
to the new system without screwing up all my files and
shortcuts? Is there a way to do this? OR is there a way
to use the existing C: drive from the old computer on the
new computer as the primary eventhough the motherboards
and other hardware are all completely different? I'm
running XPhome on the old comp and will have XPpro on the

Please Help! Thanks!

Rich Barry

Kao, take a look at Drive Image by Powerquest or Ghost by Norton.
Otherwise a format and reinstall would be
necessary. You could try removing the Enum folder from the Registry
before moving the hard drive but I have had
very limited success with that. Start>Run type: Regedit Navigate
to Hkey_Local_Machine\System\Control Set click
on all the Control Sets and remove the Enum folder. Also, same at
Hkey_Current_Config\System\Control Set.

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