Hard drive suddenly not readable


steve Hutch

After one unasuming reboot, not after install of any
program, just a regular "my computer has been up and
running for a couple of days" type restart; my secondary
hard drive suddenly became "corrupt and unreadable". I'm
pretty sure there was a '.log' file problem after the first
of many reboots.
I'm wondering if this is able to be fixed, how I can
initiate the pre-Windows XP scandisk or anything else.
Any help would be appreciated. Thnx


Its called CHKDSK in Windows XP and can be activated by Clicking Start, Run,
Typing CMD and hit enter. In the "DOS" window that opens type CHKDSK D: /F
and hit enter. (Substitute the drive letter of the drive where I have D: as
D is the normal secondary drive.) If it comes up with a message stating if
you want to demount the drive answer N and hit the enter key. It will then
ask if you want it to run upon next boot. Answer Y and hit enter. Reboot
the computer.

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