Hard drive icon wrong



If I open Windows Explorer the icon for one of my hard drives is

The standard hard drive icon has been replaced by the default file
type. My other 2 hard drives (I actually have one hard drive
partitioned into 3) have the correct icon.

I can see no option to change the icons.

How can I get the correct one back.

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Hi Mary,

Enable Windows to Show all files and then locate the file Autorun.inf and
delete it from the root directory. Restart Windows. If that does not help,
try this:

1. Open Regedit and navigate to the following location:


2. After backing up the key, delete the <drive> key from the registry.

3. Navigate to the following key, backup and delete the <drive> key:


4. Close Registry Editor and restart Windows

NOTE: Where <drive> is the actual drive-letter (say D:\ )

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