Hard disk usage problem



I have partitioned a 300gb HDD so that C has 240GB and D has the remainder.
C is reporting that I have used 200GB but this cannot be so as I only have
operating system and a few progs and pics plus about 16gb music so where has
all the used space come from?

I probably have only used about 50gb max. I cannot find any file/folder that
has excessive amounts of data. How do I rectify this?


operating system and a few progs and pics plus about 16gb music so where

How often do you listen to all that shit?

John Barnes

Are you planning to waste peoples time constantly posting this? Look at
your responses. Look at your hard drive and see what folders and files
contain your 'excess' usage. Post back what is using it if you don't
understand, but nobody can help with a no information post like this.


Sorry John, If posting the same article twice means 'constantly' then next
time I get a no answer, I'll repost it as 'can anyone help me fix my car'
and then in the main message body talk about the weather for a while. BTW I
cannot ever recall being rude to you...can you?

T5 says " If you cannot find anything nice to say about someone... then say
nothing at all"

John Barnes

It was the third post and Ronnie Vernon gave you a way to solve your problem
in a previous post. Hope you took his advice and now have your situation

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