Hard disk problem



when i double click on my c: it pops up the open with windows. I also cannot
right click explore my c: as it also pops up the open with windows. It doesnt
allow me to access my c: . I can only access my c: using the search.

I tried restarting my computer already but it still doesnt not remedy the

Can some 1 help me pls. Thanks


JJ said:
When I double click on C: it pops up the open with window. I also cannot
right-click, Explore C: as it also pops up the open with window. It doesn't
allow me to access C: . I can only access C: using Search.

I tried restarting my computer already but it still doesn't remedy the

Can someone help me please? Thanks

Try the Directory, Drive, and Folder repairs here.

Fix File Associations.


Create a shortcut with the following, without the quotes, as
the information in Type the location of the item:
"%windir%\explorer.exe /e". Name it Windows Explorer. This
should cause Explorer to open with the C drive expanded when
you double click on the shortcut. I place the shortcut in
the quick launch Toolbar and single click it to open
explorer with the C drive expanded.

Let us know if this solves your issue.


What you were seeing is, IIRC, the default for Windows XP,
in other words, everyone's computer does it opening Explorer
the way you were doing it. Never liked it but early on
found the fix to keep it from happening. Glad I could share
with you.

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