Hangs on Standby with PPC Connected



I have been having a reproducible crash. My desktop (DELL Optiplex GX270, XP
SPII, all drivers up to date) crashes is it attempts to enter Standby while
my PocketPC (iPAQ 5450) is on the docking station. I have ActiveSync v.
3.8.0. This occers if it trys to enter Standby due to inactivity or if I try
to put it into Standby manually. Basically the computer hangs on the
"Preparing to enter standby" screen and needs to be powered dowm.
Frequently, when I start up again, my video resolution has been set back to
the default (800x600).

Any suggestions?


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Don't use standby with the iPAQ connected, some hardware or combinations of
hardware simply aren't compatible with that function and you have obviously
found one of them.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org


Paul said:
I have been having a reproducible crash. My desktop (DELL Optiplex GX270, XP
SPII, all drivers up to date) crashes is it attempts to enter Standby while
my PocketPC (iPAQ 5450) is on the docking station. I have ActiveSync v.
3.8.0. This occers if it trys to enter Standby due to inactivity or if I try
to put it into Standby manually. Basically the computer hangs on the
"Preparing to enter standby" screen and needs to be powered dowm.
Frequently, when I start up again, my video resolution has been set back to
the default (800x600).

Any suggestions?


It's a driver problem. You could try updating the graphics driver to
the latest version but probably, as Rick said, it's the connected ipaq
and the drivers for it.


Thats what I figured, but unfortunatley that means I cannot use Standby at
all because if I put my iPAQ to charge and forget to remove it, the computer
will try to enter standby after inactivity and crash. I've been trying to
only connect the iPAQ after putting the computer to sleep, but I still forget

Ah well...
