Hal.dll missing corrupt unable expand



I get an error saying missing hal.dll is missing or corrupt. these are what i
have tried

1.windows setup cd to reinstall windows over old one, but when i go to
setup, press f8, it then gives me a used partition called PARTITION and no
option to repair
2. i tried using recovery console to expand hal_ etc. but it said unable to
3. i tried fixboot options and bootcfg /repair. i was successful in makeing
a new entry thing to choose to boot from but it does the same thing
4. i tried the options to copy ntldr and it successfully copied, but didn't
5. i tried to expand ntoskrl.exe and that didn't work, unable to create
6. i tried chkdsk /r and /f after i did and it scans it to 75%, then jumps
down to 50% and freezes, i have tried this a few times

7. some help files i have tried are kb 314477, Q315341, countless others
menthions aboved, just about all the help options in newsgroups search
hal.dll but i can't get anything to work

orginally, this problem started when ntldr was missing or corrupt. then
after doing a chkdsk /p, it changed.

if anyone has any way i can keep my files and reinstall windows xp home
edition, please tell me. please please nothing works, can anyone help me with
this problem. i will answer any questions. even by email if someone is
willling to help.



HAL=Hardware Abstraction Layer

How to Move a Windows XP Installation to Different Hardware

Situations in Which Windows May Not Start in Safe Mode

How to Troubleshoot Hardware Abstraction Layer Issues

More information and a workaround here:

In memory of our dear friend, MVP Alex Nichol: http://www.dts-l.org/

All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

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