guidelines for namespaces



Simple design, have a .net class library called BusinessLayer and one called DataLayer. Business layer has PurchaseHandler class and data layer has PurchaseDA class

As these are different projects, the default namespaces for an application X would be X.BusinessLayer.PurchaseHandler and X.DataLayer.PurchaseD

Is it better to keep this namespace convention or override the class namespaces to X.Purchase.PurchaseHandler and X.Purchase.PurchaseDA so the layering is hidden from the developer and it keeps the objects related to their subject

I accept that this will be hard as I would be changing the namespace for each class in each layer e.g. X.Employee et



I like keeping my layers separate. Usually I have the following projects:

DAL - Data Access Layer
BLL - Business Logic Layer
BE - Business Entity's
UTIL - General Utils
UI - (web ui, win ui, or a project for each)

Each of those layers are in their own namespace (DAL, BLL, etc) and are all
under the umbrella of the solution name.

Jason said:
Simple design, have a .net class library called BusinessLayer and one
called DataLayer. Business layer has PurchaseHandler class and data layer
has PurchaseDA class.
As these are different projects, the default namespaces for an application
X would be X.BusinessLayer.PurchaseHandler and X.DataLayer.PurchaseDA
Is it better to keep this namespace convention or override the class
namespaces to X.Purchase.PurchaseHandler and X.Purchase.PurchaseDA so the
layering is hidden from the developer and it keeps the objects related to
their subject.
I accept that this will be hard as I would be changing the namespace for
each class in each layer e.g. X.Employee etc

Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

Except for the simplest of applications, I normally put each layer in their
own project, with each project having a distinct namespace, with a common
root. Similar to what you & Z D stated.

However I start with the Namespace Naming Guidelines from the .NET Design
Guidelines for Class Library Developers:

Instead of Technology qualifier I will include an Application Qualifier.

So if the name of your company is MyCompany, my namespaces would be
something like:

MyCompany.X.Business - Business Layer
MyCompany.X.Data - Data Layer
MyCompany.X.Framework - common framework used across the layers
MyCompany.X.UI - User Interface

Also as you can see, I don't normally include the word Layer in the
namespace itself. I will create sub namespaces as required.


Some projects the "Business" layer (really the Domain Model/Layer is where its at, I
will not have a suffix on that layer.

MyCompany.X - Domain Model (Business Layer)
MyCompany.X.Data - Data Layer
MyCompany.X.Framework - common framework used across the layers
MyCompany.X.UI - User Interface

Note I normally call the Projects themselves Business, Data, Framework, UI
in the X solution. However using the Project Properties I will change the
root namespace to the above names and change the assembly name to match the

Project: Business
Assembly: MyCompany.X.Business
Namespace: MyCompany.X.Business

Project Data
Assembly: MyCompany.X.Data
Namespace: MyCompany.X.Data

Note the Framework project is where I keep Separated Interfaces, support
class, and utilities... Unless said item is more specific to one or two

Remember that namespaces are used to Organize your application, if you have
a single namespace with all your types (Classes, Structures, Interfaces,
Delegates, Enums) it makes finding a specific type harder sometimes. At the
same time, I would not have a namespace for just classes, and a namespace
for just Structures, I tend to partition based on what "layer" the type is
in. In other words a namespace is another form of Encapsulation, related
types should be in the same namespace based on a specific subject.

Hope this helps

Jason said:
Simple design, have a .net class library called BusinessLayer and one
called DataLayer. Business layer has PurchaseHandler class and data layer
has PurchaseDA class.
As these are different projects, the default namespaces for an application
X would be X.BusinessLayer.PurchaseHandler and X.DataLayer.PurchaseDA
Is it better to keep this namespace convention or override the class
namespaces to X.Purchase.PurchaseHandler and X.Purchase.PurchaseDA so the
layering is hidden from the developer and it keeps the objects related to
their subject.
I accept that this will be hard as I would be changing the namespace for
each class in each layer e.g. X.Employee etc

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