Guidelines for AssemblyInfo.cs?



I wonder if there's any offical document on how to fill in these values
in the AssemblyInfo.cs file?

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]

Second best would be some examples of good practice.

I also wonder how these values are used, except being shown in the file
properties of DLL and EXE files? Are they meant for the eye only?



one example i know is use of reflection for finding out the culture of given
in my understanding assembly attribute is mostly used for house keeping of
assembly. at least we use in our projects for automating many things (e.g.
moving/merging of files or projects, bin list display on internal developent

for the use, i wonder if there are any 'good practice' docs. we use this way

AssemblyTitle = name of asm
AssemblyDescription = as it says description/details of asm
AssemblyConfiguration = related to settings, sometimes we put setting
details but usually it is empty
AssemblyCompany = name of our company/project etc
AssemblyProduct = as it says name of the product
AssemblyCopyright = legal stuff
AssemblyTrademark = again legal stuff
AssemblyCulture = e.g. en for english th for thai etc


Joshua Flanagan

The only one of those that "matters" (has any effect on runtime
behavior) is AssemblyCulture. The rest of them are just notes for humans.

The "official" document can be found at:

The proper class names for these attributes have the word Attribute at
the end. So, to look up documentation on AssemblyTitle, search for
AssemblyTitleAttribute. The documentation will give you a general idea
of how they should be filled out.

Joshua Flanagan

M. Genuini

I use Company Product and Version to setup/read values inside registry.

string _stAppKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\\" + Application.CompanyName + "\\" +
Application.ProductName + "\\" + Application.ProductVersion;

this._RegConf = new AppRegConfiguration(_stAppKeyPath);

AppRegConfiguration is a class that reads values from registry under a
specified key

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