Guidance Please



I have a two tables. the first table has a list of all mutual funds
for all clients and the recommended replacement along with the
effective date. The second table the the mutual fund data table.
my relationship is a one to many from the mutual fund data table to
the old mutual fund for each client. I ultimately want to get data
(ie fund category and ticker) for the recommended new fund to a
report. I am not sure if an update query to a new table is the best
way to handle this.... If so how do I get the query to pull the
information for the new fund and not the old fund.


Rick B

No need for a new table. Just build a query and include both tables in the
query. Use that as the data source for your report. You can include fields
from both tables in the report.


This doesn't work because it pulls the information on the old fund and
not the new fund.

Rick B

old fund? new fund?

You need to give us a bit more to go on here. We can't see your screen.

If you have something like the following:



You could have a record like this...
FunndSymbol: FRSX
SomeDate: 01/01/2007
RecmmendedFund: FAWR

Then in your related table, you'd have names associated with the fund

In your query, you;d link the tables. In your report, you could have...

FRSX Fidelity Real Estate Fund 01/01/2007 FAWR Fidelity Blah Blah

Without details of your design, and an example of your query and an example
of your report, it would be hard to help you.

Please post some details and examples for us if you want a detailed answer.


You have it right. I have one table

Table one
Old fund
Client Number
Effective Date
New Fund

Table Two
Fund Number
Fund Name
Fund Ticker
Fund Category
Performance Date
Performance numbers

Table three
Client Number
Client Name
Client Address

There is a 1 to many relationship between table two with fund number
and table one old fund. There is a one to many relationship between
table three client nubmer and table one client number. I need a
report that shows me old fund name old fund category old fund ticker
new fund name new fund category and new fund ticker..... I have a
form set up to enter this data but now i need help getting it into a

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