GUID Primary Key In SqlDataSoure UpdateCommand Won't Work



Environment: VS2005, C#, SQLServer 2005
Error Message: Object Must Implement IConvertible

I'm using a FormView whose DataSourceID = SqlDataSource1

SqlDataSource1 has an update command whose WHERE clause references an GUID
column in the underlying table,ie, WHERE AddrGUID = @AddrGUID

AddrGUID is the primary key on the table and the FormView

When the EditItemTemplate is showing the fields to update and I click the
Submit button, I get the Object "Must Implement IConvertible" error.

No SqlDataSource_OnUpdating event occurs, which I believe it should.

How can I use update statements in a SqlDataSource whose table has a
uniqueidentifier/GUID as a primary key?


Just solved it. The GridView, FormView must use strings for the GUIDs, so the
SqlDataSource must convert the guids to strings. All SqlDataSource parameters
are to be typed as Strings.

The SqlDataSource SelectCommand must use:
SELECT Convert(varchar(100),AddrGUID) As AddrGUID, ... WHERE
Convert(varchar(100),AddrGUID) = @StringGUID

and the SqlDataSource UpdateCommand must use:
UPDATE table SET ..... WHERE Convert(varchar(100),AddrGUID) = @StringGUID

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