Guest account


Walt G

When the guest account on my computer starts, a Notepad window opens up
displaying the contents of the desktop.ini file. Is there any way to stop it
doing this?

José Gallardo

Start > Run and type in "msconfig" without the quotes. Go to "Startup"
tab an see if there is some entry related to this file. If so, uncheck

Walt G

Am I supposed to do this from the Guest account itself? Since it is not an
administrator account, it will not let me run "msconfig". Can I get at the
Guest account settings from my own administrator account?


Walt said:
Am I supposed to do this from the Guest account itself? Since it is
not an administrator account, it will not let me run "msconfig". Can
I get at the Guest account settings from my own administrator account?

Don't bother with the guest account - according to MS Baseline security
advisor it's a security risk! if you want "casual" users to be able to use
your computer, create a limited user account called Visitor, or something
like that and let them use that.

José Gallardo

I am sorry! I forgot the Guest account. As Gordon has stated, do not use
Guest account bu limited account.

Wesley Vogel

Desktop.ini file opens in Notepad on Desktop

Notepad Starts With "[.ShellClassInfo]
LocalizedResourceName=@%SystemRoot%\System32\Shell32.dll,-21787" When You
Start Your Computer

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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