GroupName for OptionButton



I have a sheet that has many OptionButtons, I have another shhet in the same
workbook that has the same optionbuttons. Since I just copied the option
buttons from 1 page to another, each sheets group names are the same.

So I need to go through each OptionButton on the sheet and change the
GroupName to the sheet name And groupName.

ie: sheet1 has 3 option buttons grouped together named 1.1
I need to change all 3 option buttons GroupName to Sheet11.1
I have hundreds of groups like this so I need the VB to do the work.

Thank you!!!
This is what I have so far but doesn't work...

Sub FixButtons()

Dim shp As OptionButton
Dim strButName As String

For Each shp In Sheets(Sheet1).OptionButton
strButName = shp.GroupName
shp.GroupName = "Sheet1" + strButName
Next shp

End Sub

Error is "Object doesn't support this Property or method"

Tom Ogilvy

Dim sh as Worksheet
Dim oleObj as OleObject
for each sh in Worksheets
for each oleObj in sh.OleObjects
if typeof oleObj.Object is MSforms.OptionButton then
oleObj.Object.GroupName = sh.Name
end if


Awesome, Worked perfectly THANKS!!!

Tom Ogilvy said:
Dim sh as Worksheet
Dim oleObj as OleObject
for each sh in Worksheets
for each oleObj in sh.OleObjects
if typeof oleObj.Object is MSforms.OptionButton then
oleObj.Object.GroupName = sh.Name
end if


Where do you put this code? In an autoopen proc?
Is there some way to get this to run when a new copy of a worksheet is

Actually, why is this even necessary? KB article says GroupNames are mutually
exclusive across worksheets. But I'm not finding this to be the case.
ie. Radio buttons with the same GroupName property are acting like one group
even when they are located on different worksheets. It's not supposed to work
that way, but that's what I'm seeing (Excel 2000)

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