Group shows member's SID instead of account name

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I'm running 2000 Pro on the desktop in a mixed mode AD
environment. When I add a domain account to a local
group, the domain account's SID is listed in the group
members box instead of the account name.

Anyone know what I might do to correct?
You might try resetting the secure channel between the client and the
domain controller:

216393 Resetting Computer Accounts in Windows 2000 and Windows XP

Also make sure that you are pointing to the Internal Active Directory
DNS server(s) only and not to an outside DNS server (like and ISP).

Tom Ausburne (MSFT)
Windows 2000 Directory Services
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I am experiencing the same problem. I have 2 Windows 2000 Servers SP4 as
member servers in a Windows 2003 domain that show only SID's for domain user
accounts in local groups like Administrators and Users but show the names of
local user accounts. I can pull up a list of domain members fine and add a
domain user to the group but their SID only displays. I checked that DNS
was set to an internal DNS/DC server and the nltest command was successful
to the DC. The only other thing I can think of is that there are 2 NIC's in
the servers so maybe something is screwy with routing or the configuration
of the other NIC not on our production network is causing problems.

Any ideas?

Steve March, MCSE