group by and sum(vaue) as sumva



ano ano


I have one table to do as the running number from 1 to 200, for example,
this table name "Tblrunnumber" and the field name 'num' property as number.

I have another table to do for the grouping and sum of value as into
another query to make up this table name "tbldescofcustomerOrder" having the
field names : 'DescPdts' property as text, 'id' as autonum,'vaue' as number,
'ref' as number.

To do so I have group on the tbldescofcustomerOrder by ref and count(*) as
Gcountref as :
Select a.ref, count(*) as Gcountref
from tbldescofcustomerOrder as a
group by ref
into a new "query1" ,for example, and I have put them to run on running
number with "tblrunnumber" query1 as q inner join tblrunnumber as r on q <=
select tblrunnumber.num,query1.*
from "tblrunnumber" query1 as q inner join tblrunnumber as r on q <= r;

with this it works and runs out as group running number of same 'ref'
but to do with the field "vaue" this won't do it generate errors in outcomes
of many records created in the query.

What this want is

To have it run as the vaue was in the original sources and without generate
erros of overflow.



sorry .. for code

marks to change he he..
it should be
select tblrunnumber.num,query1.*

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