GridView and themes




I would like to apply themes to a GridView control, but what I would
like to set in themes is the ImageUrl for a ButtonField. Different
images are stored under each theme.
How can I achieve this?

I had a more simple situation where I wanted to set the ImageUrl for an
ordinary Image control, but I didn't want every Image control to look
alike so I have created my custom LogoImage class which inherits from
the Image class. Such a solution works, I think it would probably work
even with CustomButtonField but it requires a lot of unnecessary empty
classes to be created just to distinguish them in the skin file.

Are there any other/better solutions?



Ok. I have found that some of the issues with themes have been
discussed and one of the solution is to use SkinID attribute. I havn't
found however how to best deal with the ButtonField since it does not
have SkinID.

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